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Would mixing wax affect throw?

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I've been mixing NG joywax with j50. I'm kind of guessing on the temps for adding fo and pouring. Sort of finding the middle ground between the two. The thing is, on the candles I've poured so far, the throw is pretty weak, hot and cold. I think since I'm mixing I should probably increase the fo% because of the j50, but I wondered if there is anything in the additives of the waxes that might cause a weaker throw when they are combined. I just love the way they work together but the two fo's I've tried so far are fairly mild to start with so now I'm not sure which way to go.

Is there anything about mixing the waxes that would affect the throw?

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I don't mix waxes but I think when you do it is just a matter of getting the % amount down for each wax. I know it works because plenty of folks do it. Are you letting the candles cure at all? Trying another type wick can also improve your throw and make a huge difference. Upping the FO load could help - what percentage did you use? Could it be candle nose? Try leaving the room for a bit and going outside to air out your nasal passages then come back into the room and see if you smell it any better. Did you get the fo incorporated all the way into the wax? Perhaps you need to change the temp at which you add the fo. These are just some suggestions that you might try or look at to see if you can get a better throw. Good luck.

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I'm trying to mix waxes too, I know there are a lot of people on here that do it, and I think we're just gonna have to get our percentages right,and wicks right like Meredith says, a lot more testing. I think anytime you change any factor then you'll be dealing with a whole new creature so lots more testing.

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Hi Merideth,

Thanks. I used 6% fo, and yes, I could totally have candle nose. I've done a couple batches and they cured for several days at least. I hope it isn't the wick because I don't want to do the testing again:sad2: . I added the fo at 190. I was kind of guessing on that one. I poured at 150, but I don't think pouring should have anything to do with the throw, would it? If there is anything else I'm missing feel free to let me know. Mixing the two I had no wet spots, a great burn, and a nice creamy smooth top. I just need that throw to pick up. I feel like I'm so close to a great combo....sooo close.......:rolleyes2

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In ref to your post about J223/CBL-125. I tried mixing those waxes @ all sorts of percentages. Almost every wick I tried sooted like crazy. But they both did this to some degree on their own also. These waxes are very similiar & I would just work with one or the other.... in the end I saw no benefit of blending them. HTH

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Shafferbuns-I know your right about the testing. Testing, testing, testing. But do you think there are additives that would work against each other? I've only used pre-blended waxes and I'm not familair with the additives. But I'm glad to hear that it's a doable thing.

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The only additive that I am aware of that doesn't work with soy (and I know this from experience) is vybar. I tested it in my 100% soy and it didn't seem to improve the throw in the long run and made my candles set up looking like cauliflower. I would just keep playing with percentages to see if you can figure this darn thing out. And if you really are determined to get it, I would consider looking at testing other wicks. Some waxes just don't do well with certain wicks. Pouring temps shouldn't affect the throw just maybe the way your candle sets up and air pockets etc. Since you only used 6% FO, I would up that amount and see if that makes a difference. While I don't use and never have, paraffin, I do know that soy does tend to need a higher FO load than paraffin. Keep at it and you will beat this beast.

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What soy is that that only holds 5%? If it only holds 5%, then I would say that it better throw good at 5%. Sometimes too, with some FOs, if you back down the load, the candle will throw better.

You could also add palm stearic to help increase your FO load.

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Well, I poured some candles this afternoon and I used 9% fo. I made sure to mix it well. The cold throw is pretty good already so I think I'll have it this time. I can't wait to burn one. Now I'll just cross my fingers that I can still use the wick I had settled on.

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Hi Kim. Not sure what wax that is...I think I went like 2 1/2% additive and then the full load of FO. Possibly you can add more to your wax without any addition. Sometimes I was getting FO seeping and so I did need to add something for those scents. Also, try the 5-6% if you haven't done so. The CB 127 had pretty good throw at 6%...better than some of my other waxes at 8.3%. If you like the way this wax works in every other way, try tweaking it till you get the answer you need. Guess I'm always the bug! Beth

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Thanks Lightning, I think I'll try the additive and see. I made one w 9% fo, just to see, I had to wipe the oil off the top of it the next day. After two days I lit it and it threw great. I made one w/ 50% soy, 50% paraffin, same fo load , made a beautiful candle, throw is about the same as the soy one though, not really a noticeable difference there. I made one 100% soy w/7% fo, couldn't tell a difference in the throws really at all, it has as good of a throw as the others. Only difference really is the all soy ones are just butt ugly. very rough tops and they stay rough even after several burns. No frosting though (this is my first time w/soy, I don't know when the frosting should set in, but so far none) the usual wet spots (which don't bother me at all) I made one last night w 80% soy, 20 % parrafin, very pretty top.

I'm just testing all kinds of darn ways, .. same fo of course so I can compare. But I am getting some of that additive to try also.

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