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Wax similar to Calwax CB-30?

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I currently use Calwax CB-30 & am extremely pleased with it. However, since I will be moving to NC, shipping would be outrageous. I called Calwax and there are no distributors on the east coast, only in WA. So I'm stuck with deciding on paying the shipping for this wax or choosing another wax (I've already switched once before & it sucks!). I did not want to have to pay shipping because it will drive my prices up more, and I'll be moving to a lower-income state. I was hoping Candlescience carried a blend since I would be able to pick it up, but I wanted to stick with a paraffin/soy blend, which I don't see that they have. Does anybody know of a wax comparable to the CB-30, with a supplier on the east coast? Ugh, I'm really not looking forward to this :angry2: . Thanks for your help!

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I have tried a couple different waxes and also love the cb-30 I use it in my tarts! Swans claims their shipping is really good to places all over.

If you don't mind me asking I have been trying to branch out and make container candles and I just can't seem to find a good wick for the cb-30 wax.

Any help would be appreciated.

Suzanne H

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I already calculated the shipping from Swan's - it would go up about $15. That means I'd be paying about $100 for a case shipped to me. I pay a lot as it is, and did not want to go up in price - if anything, I need to try to lower it.

I thought about trying Greenleaf. I wanted to wait a little bit to see if she's able to set up a shipping point for this wax out of NJ. I think that would help on the shipping.

Ugh, if only Candlescience carried a great blend then everything would work out great. :sad2:

Peppermint, I RRD's work the best for me in this wax.

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That is a lot i shipping! I tried the Green-leaf 70/30 it was good but the shipping would have been to much for me. I kinda feel like a pay a lot to ship from Swans but I figure when I start making a lot I could just drive there. of course with gas prices right now not sure if I would save that much

What are RRD's???

I got a same kit from Peaks that had CD, Zinc, HTP and LX

So far LX and HTP are my favorites but after awhile I just get them all messed up! I have a hard time trying to figure out which one is better. I honestly still haven't done good with containers 3 inches or more!

Do you both add vybar to the wax as well?

Thanks I really need the help!! LOL

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I haven't been doing this very long, but I know what you mean about anything 3" or more..they are a bugger! I don't add anything but color and scent..cb30 has all the additives already in it except uv..HTH :rolleyes2


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