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so excited!! you are talking to the owner of a real, honest to goodness business now!

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hehe..I just had to say that 'cause it feels real now--things finally came together and I have insurance, a tax ID # and a business cert...I can now officially sell, if I choose!! :yay: I have about only about 25 scents tested and working great in 3 different jars so far, but I figure it's a start ;) it's been almost a year and thousands of $$$ but it is worth it for this...am I crazy or did you guys feel the same giddy way when you officially "opened" your business?

oh, and a very grateful that you to all who helped me out with the questions I have had..I truly appreciate it:bow:

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:bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :bliss:

thank you all for the congrats and wishes!! I really hope I do make a go of this (don't have a choice with that insurance bill looming now..lol) I really like making my stuff and would be happy enough to just break even so I can buy more FO'S!!! LOL I see how well alll the rest of you are plugging along, so that gives me hope! I do still have a long way to go before this project is in the big leagues like some of you, but I'm optimistic--lol--that and I have to find something to do with all these FO's anyway:p now, if we could just find a way to squeeze in another 10 hours in a day I could test more..this isn't a hobby or a business--it's an obsession, but a good one ;)

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