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I think I had a brain fart


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:shocked2: I was making soap tonight and I started stick blending it and something didn't seem quite right. Well, I had forgotten my coconut oil so I quick melted some and added it in. Everything seemed OK so I'm merrily blending and get to a light trace, take out some to color, put in the FO in the rest of the batch get it mixed in pour it into the mold and went to add the color to do the swirl and seems like my trace had disappeared. What did I do wrong? ANyway, it's in the mold and covered with a couple towels so I guess I'll see how it looks in the morning. What will happen if you pour it into the mold before trace? Waaa, I will be a very sad person if I end up with a pile of mush or something.
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Sounds to me like it could have been a false trace. Those usually dissapear if you keep stirring, and that's a way to tell whether it's a legit one or not. A true trace won't dissapear. Lard and some other hard oils as they're cooling can cause the false trace

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If it wasn't at a true trace it could possibly seperate in the mold, and you will know it when you see it.

If it was at a true trace and just very very thin, it should be fine. It might take longer to set up, but will become soap.

When I'm wanting to make a swirl, once the oils and lye become opaque (but no trailings like you usually get in trace) I will take out my portion to be colored and start pouring the soap into the mold. It's never seperated yet, so I'm thinking yours should be fine. Only time will tell I guess.

Good luck and let us know how it turned out.


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