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pricing candles

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Okay I know that the norm for pricing is 3 x for retail and 2 x for wholesale but when I ran it by a few people who are new friends they all said the prices seemed high, do you lower prices or not? Like my 8 oz jelly jars are $6 to me it does not seem high but was wondering what to do, still want to get sales but also dont want to hurt my profit too much eather.

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To my old friends and family I sell at the wholesale price which is 2 x my cost....my "new friends" can buy from my store at retail....LOL

I retail 3 x my cost. You are going to have to do a market research of your area and price accordingly, but make sure your are making a profit and not just giving it all away.

Hope this helps,


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I usually give my close friends a discount or a freebie votive. I sell 8 oz jelly jars for $6.00 also so I don't think it's high, but it depends on your area. Remember, it's easier to lower prices if they don't sell than to raise them later.

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Man I wish I could sell mine for 6$, but I charge 7.50 for 8oz jj, how much does it cost ya to make your 8oz jj mine is 2.50(100% soybean wax). I wouldnt charge less you need to get your money out of your product you work hard for it. I live in rural ky and sell mine well for 7.50, and its poor town here so you should be able to get what you need out of them, but please tell me your secret:D


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It is best to figure your cost then x3 or x4. I sold my jellies for 6.00 each and never had anyone complain.

i now do 9oz hex jars and sell them for 8.00 each or 2/15.00.

I am thinking about bringing jellies back for fundraisers.


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I think you have to keep in mind that you are making quality hand poured candles, and you are not competing with Walmart. I think if people want junk candles, let them go to walmart, but to me, $6 seems like a good deal. jmho

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Your friends might feel it's high because they're used to the prices at the discount store. They'll need to understand that yours is a different class from what's sold at the discount stores, just like you would not expect to pay $9.99 for a handknit sweater. As for pricing, you could try doing a 3 for $15 deal, maybe it'll make them feel it's cheaper and you can also sell more at the same time. Personally I feel jar candles are tricky to price because when you multiply the cost of the jar by 3 it seems to overinflate things. Whereas a pillar candle using the same amount of wax wouldn't have this extra cost.

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