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WTB grubby molds

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I've found several places that sell the molds, but the pictures are horrible at best--at most of the sites. they do not look like actually grubby/cake candles, they almost look like someone made a grubby and the heat melted it down..lol is this how these candles come out in molds? I like grubbies, and would love an easier way to make them. anyone have an experience with the molds who can suggest a good place to get them from? I saw some pics in the gallery, but the person bought them from someone else in the classys so they don't know who the manf. is :(

this is one that looks realistic and true..(BTW--beautiful candle syn) http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16339&highlight=grubby

I've done them by hand, and it works--they come out nice, but dang! the work involved..lol I am looking to take the easy way out ;) with a mold, but maybe I just haven't found the right store yet? here are a couple of the ones I found...one looks nice and the other looks like someone took a heatgun to it for too long lol



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www.soapandcandlemolds.com is by far one of the best places (in my opinion) to get grubby molds. If they don't have what you are looking for in their "gallery", they'll make what you want. Their molds are silicone and very pliable! They are a little costly, but they are worth it! Hope this helps you out.


did you see the two pics I linked in my post? they are from soapandcandles...I like them from most of their pics, but some of them look "off" to me...maybe it's just the photo? or the quality of the particular candle they made from the mold? I don't think they are too pricey, if the molds end up being what I'm looking for, but that second pic from a grubby pillar looks strange to me, I don't want an end product coming out like that

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