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all my waxes are the same!!! IM MAD

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I just received an interesting Pm from a member here and I must say I need a place to vent..:angry2:

I have been testing 100% soy I really want to be able to use this stuff instead of the blended because I want to market 100% natural on my labels.

So my first wax I got was EZ Soy, HATED IT ill never carry this wax after about 20 candles i gave up on this wax.

The second wax i bought was Bluegrass brand well just poured five of those the other day and they looked horrible as well. Just the same as the EZ Soy.

I then ordered KY pure soy and Soy 115 both from KY candlewax, I havent received these in the mail yet so havent tested them.

Well, I get a PM today and this person tells me that all these waxes ARE THE EXACT SAME!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I just wasted about $30.00 on wax that I already know that i wont like!

I think that its wrong that companies can buy from the same distributer and call it something else. What a waste on money. Thats 5 more FO's that I counld have bought at least. Not to mention the fact that i ahve about 10 pounds of this crap still laying at the house that im not going to use and now I have more coming. there is no way to tell what waxes are the same because of course the company isnt going to tell you "yeah our stuff is the same as such and such company go ahead and buy from them if there closer to you" yeah right.

ok im done venting......be carefule out there folks reasearch research

and I want to thank the person that PM'd me this informatio i greatly appreciate it. It goes to show just how nice everyone is on this forum :cheesy2:

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I ve dealt with vicky from ky for awhile now and I dont think she would lie and say the waxes are diff when their the same, and actually vicky did tell me when I first started going to her that I should stick with my 100% wax from alabaster because they were closer to me, I would call vicky and have her explain the diff between the two waxes, as im sure that she would not lie she is the most helpful person and has been helpful to me even if it didnt mean a sale for her. I hope you get this figured out, please talk to vicky yourself, im not saying this persopn is wrong but, you should find out for yourself.


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I didnt mean that they were lying persay. i just wish that i would have known that these were the same as what I already have so I wouldnt waiste anymore money buying more. I found a solution though, Im going to use this wax in my enamelware that I have here at the house so you cant see the flaws since they do have good hot throws. I might try to get ahold of her and see what I can do. Is it the same vicky that has tinkerbell spelling her name out????

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The soy and soy/cottonseed blends I've used - all frosted - no matter who they were from. Which is to be expected - soy just frosts. Not that they were "bad" - just not something I wanted to deal with.

Searches will bring up posts like http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=veggiewax;action=display;num=1108320843;start=27 .

Yes, I'm pretty sure Vicky (KY Owner) still uses that animated sig. Also, I'm almost certain that KY125 is hers - its a custom formulation. I have no idea about the others. You may also want to hang on to that Soy 115. Though you can't use it straight in the summer, you could use it to lower melt points. I seem to remember that when candlewic stopped making their CB 120 (120 meltpoint), many people liked it. Lower meltpoint waxes are just "easier" to wick. (Like the Eco CBA).

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yes its the same vicky, btw, soy wax is diff to star out with once you get it down pat you might find that the waxes yove used before will work once youve learned how to do it, my firsts were ugly no scent throw but i just kept plugging away and watching the boards and now ive a wonderful candle, youll get thru its well worth the work:highfive:


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I know some of the waxes are Golden Brands 415 and in a seminar it was stated that you could add 1 TBSP pp of Crisco to help even out the roughness. I don't know if that will help, but it might be something to try with all that wax you have and will have.

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Vicky with the signature is Vicky the mod here. Vickey of KY is the Vickey who sells soy wax.

Oops - yes, VickyR from KY's sig is her name with the animated tweety bird - over on her own board :) She's very nice - I'm sure she'll help you out Bella.

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I use GB 415 and 464. No major problems. However I just tried Crisco for the second time last week. I used exactly 1 tablespoon which probably came to about an ounce and the time before that I used 1/2 of that because I didn't see a difference. Well I went to blow out the candle and my fire alarm went off. I wasn't overwicked either. It was burning beautifully. It smoked more than a campfire. I won't try that again. If you sell that to someone or give it to them for a gift and all of a sudden it smokes up their house. They would never want a candle again. It didn't make a difference with the wax in pouring just that it burned faster and hotter like a grease fire. Plus Bella said she preferred to use a plain soy not a container blend. There is cottonseed oil in Plain Crisco it says on the label.

Bella, I wanted to use 100% too. Golden Brands 464 container blend is still hydrogenated soybean oil with a soy derivative to stabilize it. So it still remains in that catagory of all soy. Other blends usually have a cottonseed, coconut or palm oil to stabilize it. You are also dealing with soy wax it is unstable and sometimes difficult. Thats the nature of the beast its your job to tame it. Call Gateway foods and talk with Kris she sends out free samples up to 3 pounds of wax. They deal with Golden Brands try it and see if you like it better.

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Any of the 415 waxes (incl. KY Puresoy, EZ Soy and the Millcreek) do well with 2-4% beeswax added to them when melting. I use 3% in the winter months and 4% in the summer months. Helps with the frosting, smooth tops and throw.

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I will try the crisco thing when I get the rest of the wax. The tops really dont bother me though I just zap them with my blow dryer, havent bought a heat gun yet.:rolleyes2

I am most worried about the look as far as frosting and lines (cracks) in the candle on the sides, I guess maybe the crisco will help with that as well???

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You can try. But this is soy - it frosts, unless you go with a no-frost type soy (CBA, GL Soy, or SP (veg blend)). Crisco will introduce another variable into the wax as well and you will have to account for. Unless you need to assist your meltool, stick with paraffin, beeswax or other made-for-soy additive. For cracking try adding a lower melt-point soy, but its still going to frost. For a no-cost solution, try cooling slower (box or other insulation) and/or warm your jars a bit (which obviously, slows cooling). Adding too much BW to assist with frost will actually cause cracking. Also, seriously, watch the cold and drafts. I've heard that some large production places actually place heat lamps over their soy containers.

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No, it still frosts with Crisco in it and you still have to smooth the tops. You have a better chance with beeswax just don't use to much or it will crack on the top and wet spots on the sides. Crisco will smoke more.

I just pour 415 at 100 or a slushy stage. I kind of use my intuiotion that way. Then I cover it with styrofoam containers and leave it. I have a cool house so I get a lot of cool air flow. That causes my candles to frost or pull from the jars. I have noticed extremely that cool air is a HUGE variable. I do my candles in the kitchen which is right near my thermostat. If it reads less that 72 I don't bother because I get frosted containers. My actual mad scientist lab is in my finished basement that has its own furnace. But I hate to turn it on just to make candles so I come upstairs. So I usually wait for warmer humid days and they turn out beautiful. Soy is tricky that way. I love the challange though because when I turn out these beautiful tops that look professional man what a rush. You all know what I mean. Then you wan't more.

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