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ISO Web Designer...


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I'm looking for someone to redo my website.

In particular, I'd like to have my wholesale accounts be able to "log in" to access wholesale pricing and place their orders, but still have the retail pricing available to other customers.

I'd also like a different shopping cart (currently have paypal).

Anyone interested?

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I offer a database cart system that allows wholesale log in as long as wholesale pricing is at a percentage of the retail pricing.

I use a system that has a back end with a control panel making product updates a breeze. You can set individual items or whole categories on sale, add or remove photos or descriptions or set items as unavailable with a click of the mouse. Sale prices don't pass to the wholesale customers. The system is capable of keeping inventory and will automatically set an item as unavailable if you sell out of your current stock. You can also set it to cross sell related items.

The system incorporates order tracing, a website search and a wish list feature for your customers. On the admin side you can track customers and keep records. Order info can be downloaded for accounting purposes.

The system uses Mals to actually process the orders, then passes the info back to your admin area, so you don't have to bother with a SSL. Most databased systems require a SSL.

I offer this system several ways. I can custom design the whole site, configure everything and add your products and info, I can design it and set it up to add your own content, or I can install the system and allow you to do the design yourself and add your own content. There are different price levels for each option.

Feel free to email me or visit my site for references.

I don't post much on this board, but I have worked within the soaper/chandler community for years. I am a soaper and lotion crafter myself, but I make bath and body products only as a hobby at this time.


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Everything sounds great except for this part:

I offer a database cart system that allows wholesale log in as long as wholesale pricing is at a percentage of the retail pricing.

My wholesale prices aren't a percentage across the board....maybe that's something I can work out. I'll PM you so you can give me a quote, thank you.

(plus, if Beth vouches for you, that's HUGE in my book!)

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Hello there! Jennifer from River Street Designs. Thank you Chris for the referral for web design.

Trish - Our web hosting offers what you are looking for in a shopping cart. There are two separate sections for retail and wholesale. The only way wholesale can be accessed is through a login that you assign to customers.

For a full feature list of the shopping cart we offer, please visit:


The E-Commerce choice would be the best fit for your needs.

We offer the option of hosting and you design your own website OR you may purchase a custom designed template and then proceed with adding your own products and information to your pages.

If you are interested in a FREE quote for a custom template, please visit:


I'm happy to answer any and all questions so don't hesitate to let me know if you have any. info@riverstreetdesigns.com or toll-free (888) 550-6999

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