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Bath Bomb

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Well here they are-I could only get two deformed ones outta the whole batch-stinking this didn't want to stick together-I used a meatballer and they would come apart when I tried to take em out:mad: . I got so p.o'ed that a threw one back in the bowl only to have a chunk bounce back up in my eye-ouch ouch OUCH-sigh thats when I gave up, lol.


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one thing I read somewhere on here about the meatballer is that if you squeeze it together then tap it on the counter the ball falls out better... it helped me out! And you have to watch not to add to much to the meatballer or it doesnt stick together. That is what was hard for me to judge at first. HTH.... dont give up!!!

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At first I had problems with the meatballer. I just kept messing with it and now....When I use my meat baller I find that they stick together a little better if you over fill it and push the mold itself together with your hands, instead of using just the handles on the meatballer. Then, when you open the meatballer, stick your finger slightly in the hole on the top and gently pull the top off first, then flip it over so the bomb is in your hand, and then do the same to the other. That is how I get it to work for me. If you can understand all my rambling, you are more then welcome to try that technique.

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While they may not have turned out the way you wanted ( I don't think they look that bad), the bigger questions is, How did they perform in the tub? You will perfect your technique in no time flat. You can do it if I can do it.

Darwin that is exactly how I do mine and I think you explained it great.

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