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finding craft or bazaar shows

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Some ideas for finding craft shows/bazaars:

1. Local tourism/economic development offices

2. Main Street Program - in smaller cities & towns they often sponsor craft shows

3. State Arts/Crafts Council - Many print a booklet of all the craft shows in the state. They often list the kinds of shows, average attendance, types of arts/crafts allowed in the show, etc.

4. Farmer's Markets- Local Chamber of Commerce would have info on these. If you don't want to make a season-long commitment they sometimes have special days set aside where additional vendors are welcome to set up, too. Sort of like a craft show day.

HTH! Good luck to you!

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I think generally photos will suffice, after all a lot of people will be coming from other towns and it wouldn't be convenient for them to make a special trip. If the show is juried, most likely there'll be a jury fee in addition to the booth fee. If you aren't accepted, you may not get refunded the jury fee. The good thing about being juried is that it should weed out things that shouldn't be there e.g. things that weren't handcrafted.

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