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Anybody successfully wicked apothecaries? (story inside)


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Ok, second day of testing this apoth with the LX30, never did get a full melt pool yesterday even after many hours, so just trying again today, although I don't hold out much hope for it. :(

I think my next try will be the HTP's, I've got a few of those, I think a 105 will be too small for my 20 ouncer though since it's about 4" diameter, but maybe the 1212, which I do not have any! :angry2: So, thought I might try the next one up which I think is the 1312 right?

Anyhow, the saga continues, cuz I'm bound and determined to at least use up this case of jars I have and wick them properly/singly!! :D

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I have been making natural wax candles for over 5 years and sell TVG apothocary jars exclusively for wholesale/private label. I have used htp 1212 and later the 1213 since I started. That being said - it takes about 4 hours to get a full MP on most FO and it does mushroom a bit, but it beats the heck out of working with two wicks and worrying about jars getting too hot. I have three rather large wholesale/private label accounts and in over four years I have never had a problem with those wicks not cleaning the sides of jars if burned properly. I know that customers will let those suckers burn all day and that is why I wick them that way!

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I use the 26oz apothecarey jars and just tested a 60-44-18 zinc core and the melt pool was fine,,,so far the burn has been clean. Still testing though. but I use peaks performance pre-blend container wax,,,paraffin. I see where some of you are using soy and J series of astorlite,,,that could make a difference couldnt it??:confused:

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FYI I received an OV candle for my birthday that was single wicked Looks like they used a soft creamy wax like J50/223 or something like that. Any way I had to burn it ALL day long for it to get a FMP and it still had some hang up on the sides It was a 10 oz Apoth. jar. So now I don't feel so bad that I can't get mine single wicked LOL

Edited to add: The scent throw was not all that great Very faint

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I have been sucessful single wicking 12 and 16 oz apoth jars using the

HeinzCD18 wick. This is the wick that the person whom I purchased the business from used successfully. I hope this helps. I use this wick in the J50 and J233 wax.


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