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Lotion bar help


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Ok, new to this and I have never used or made a lotion bar before. Made a batch last night and although it came out too soft I tryed some to see what it felt like. I don't think I'm gonna like it. :sad2:

To those of you who make and use the bars, do they pretty much have the same after feel as regular lotion. I like lotion that is not too greasy but yet stays with me - kwim? The feeling I got was it wasn't that greasy but it didn't stay with me at all. In fact, had to use some regular lotion afterwards.:confused:

I am remelting it now to add some more beeswax as the recipe I used (im sure I got it off here) called only for cocoa butter and I added some shea to it, but didn't up the beeswax to compensate for the softer shea butter - hence the reason for the bars being to soft (right??)

So anyway, how's the feeling of your lotion bars...


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lotion bars are one of my bestsellers and one of my favorites to use. i love the convenience and portability it offers and my customers say the love the how the scent stays with them through out the day. so they see it as a moisturizer and perfume bar. if you feel it is too greasy, try adding some cornstarch if the recipe didn't call of it or up the starch if it did call for it. HTH

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thanks crafty, I think my problem is I've never used one before and I don't know what they are supposed to feel like :undecided. Is the feel comprible to lotion or is it a totally different feel?

I agrree - portablitly of these is the reason I wanted to try and make some.

Does the beeswax do more than just make them hard?

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No, they give a different feel than lotion. Lotion is mostly water; lotion bars have none. Just butters and oils, as you know. I use lotion bars more for super-dry, rough and troublesome areas such as heels, elbows, and cuticles. If you want more of a feel that you get with lotion, try using a lotion bar right after a bath or shower, leaving your skin slightly damp before applying it. Helps to seal a bit of water moisture into your skin.

Edited to add: Yes, increasing your beeswax a bit and decreasing your liquid oils a bit should help firm them up.

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Thanks for the quick reply - one more question. How hard are these supposed to be? I added more beeswax and they are better and can get them out of the mold but they start to 'melt' as soon as I touch them. I'm thinking they are too soft. When you take them out to use them, do you actually have to rub them between your hands to use it? If I did that with mine, I'd have way too much on my hands.

thanks, Lori

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They should not start to melt when you touch them but after a few minutes between your hands they should start to soften so you can rub over body etc.

My lotion bars will last through several hand washings without having to be reapplied, that is one reason so many people love. The other reasons were mentioned, portabiltiy, all-natural, very intense for problem areas. The scent should last a long time as well.

Lotion bars are one of my best-sellers as well, and my best repeat seller.

keep experimenting, you will get it!

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Lotion bars are awesome up the beeswax if it's too soft and maybe add some cyclo for a nice glide. Not too much about a teaspoon or 2.

Some people do add cornstarch though I've never tried it. As stated above, play around with it till you get the feel you want.

Good luck :wink2:

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I love my lotion bars. I used to put some soy wax in them but found a great receipe that I use now. Here is the one I use ... 2 oz beeswax, 1 oz shea, 1 oz mango butter, and 1 3/4 oz avocado oil. They have a real nice feel without being greasy. I use un refined shea. That helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They should not start to melt when you touch them but after a few minutes between your hands they should start to soften so you can rub over body etc.

My lotion bars will last through several hand washings without having to be reapplied, that is one reason so many people love. The other reasons were mentioned, portabiltiy, all-natural, very intense for problem areas. The scent should last a long time as well.

Elle110, would you mind sharing your recipe? I actually like the harder bars, especially with warmer weather coming up fast.

I'm new to all this, and am still sorting through all the different recipes. I hope to make massage bars my "base product" as they are my favorite product of all time!

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