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HP soap recipe help


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You can really use any recipe for hp that you use for cp.If you are looking for a recipe with all ingredients you can find at the grocery you could try

25 % Lard or Crisco

25 % Canola

25% Coconut Walmart

25 % Olive Oil

That's a great recipe Cindy. Yes you can use any recipe, just use the full amount of water (don't discount)

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Okay, going to store today to get some stuff to try. I am a math idiot so when you give percentages....what would that consist of in "measurement terms" for a soap recipe...like 1/2 oz. I've read and re-read the HP instructions and hope I do okay. Is there someplace with recipes like for adding jojoba beads or dried stuff etc.

Thanks for your help on the ingredients.

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