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When test burning a candle...? (More info under my post)

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So the wick should not have to be trimmed during the burn? I'm getting a lot of mushrooming and have had to blow the candle out for a few seconds to trim. Guess I'll go back to the drawing board.

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I'm using JSB 50/50 with 1 oz pp of FO - I've tested in the following JS FO's: Katie Jo's Pink Lemonade, Winterberry Wreath, Balsam Wreath, Candied Blueberries. BC FO's: Green Tea, Spiced Cranberry and Ginger.

I'm using 8 oz apothecary jars and 16 oz tins. I've tried no dye, 2-6 drops dye pp with same results. I'm not using any other additives.

Wicks I've tested:

The following smoke:

ECO 10, 12, 14

RDD 40, 47, 50, 55

HTP 105

HTP 83 does not smoke but it doesn't give me a full meltpool in either container. I tried it in an 8 oz tin and it was perfect. In the 8 oz apothecary and the 16 oz tin the meltpool seems to go towards one side of the container. The other side never catches up.

Did I miss anything?

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I think most of the time I used HTP 83, but that was with 100% soy wax. Right now I use 70/30 soy/paraffin blend and using the LX wicks. I tried the HTP wicks in this blend but the wick would burn hotter on the side of jar the wick was curling towards, causing something similar to what you stated. It was leaving a hang up on one side of jar, and sometimes sooting on the other.

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I ordered LX wicks from Candle Science but wouldn't you know they forgot to include a bunch of stuff in my order when it was delivered today - the wicks were one of the missing items.

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Becky from Just Scent is sending me a handful of the zincs they use in this wax. I placed a 10 sample scent order to make it worth the shipping. I'm trying to decide if I should place and order with WSP for low smoke zincs as well or just wait until after I test the JS zincs.

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I poured another candle - same wax but with 1/2 oz scent hoping the mushrooming wouldn't be as bad. No luck - it's still bad. On the bright side, I have a nice smooth candle, excellent scent throw and a full melt pool after 3 hours in a 3 inch diameter candle with no smoking.

Am I being too picky about the mushrooming?

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If single wicking with zinc makes it mushroom badly, maybe you should focus on the high flame temperature flat braids like HTP, CD and ECO. You don't have to try them all, just pick one and test different sizes.

I suspect you're focused on getting a full melt pool off the bat and haven't burned the testers down very far because the wicks don't seem to work well. Consider that sometimes a wick that gives you a full melt pool on the first burn can prove to be too large when you test the whole candle. Why don't you find the largest flat braid that burns well for 3 hours (even if it leaves some hangup) and do a bunch of test cycles with it to see how it performs as the candle burns down.

If you don't arrive at a good solution that way, you may have to change your plan in some respect. Sometimes we envision a great burning candle with a particular wax and container and wicking strategy, but the combination just doesn't come together as a good system. If you're committed to the containers, you may have to double wick or change the wax.

Designing an exceptional product can be a LOT of work.

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I have tested ECO 10, 12 and 14, RDD 40,47,50,55. The problem is that they smoke excessively. In order to prevent them from smoking I have to keep them trimmed to 1/8 inch. I'm concerned that when I get to the point where I'll actually be able to sell the candle, the customer will not keep the wick trimmed to that length.

I have burned many of my "smoking" candles for several cycles and I always end up with a lot of soot on the glass. You can literally see the wick smoking. I don't think the RRD or ECO wicks like my wax.

I've tried HTP 83 (works well in my 8 oz tins) and HTP 105 in my 8 oz Apothecary jars but I don't get a full melt pool. It never seems to catch up - just sort of tunnels through lopsided leaving a noticable hang up on the sides of the jar. But I'm going to take your advice and burn the candles to the finish to see what happens.

Maybe the apothecary jar is not for me. I've been thinking about trying a straighter jar. I have some other wicks enroute though so I'm not giving up quite yet.

Regarding the wax, I'm testing several: JSB 50/50, J223 combined 50/50 with C-3 and I just started testing J50 combined 50/50 with C-3 today. It's happening with the first two waxes, haven't burned the J50 combo yet. After test burning the J50 combo tomorrow I may start testing them in a 70/30 combo.

I'm not experienced in double wicking at all. I wouldn't know where to start size wise.

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Maybe an ECO 8 would work.

Or just plain J-223, which is a very proven product.

Or the Greenleaf 70/30 if you must have vegetable ingredients. People seem to be having good luck with it.

Personally, I don't go for blending pre-blends, which is what you're doing with those mixtures. A lot of design work goes into those products. Mixing them is throwing that out the window and taking a shot in the dark.

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