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Beeswax in Greenleaf's 70/30 blend

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Having made soy candles with beeswax in it when I initially started - I would tell you that it is not going to buy a thing in the 70/30. Most soy candle makers that use beeswax do it for a few reasons - the most is to improve the appearance and reduce frosting of the soy candle and to have a smooth top after burning the candle. (People like to use it with soy as an additive since it is also a natural wax.) Since the 70/30 has none of these problems then about the only thing it will do IMO is to create a candle that is more difficult to burn, cause more wet spots due to shrinkage and add more cost to making candles. Our experience was that beeswax also has a tendency to make it more difficult to achieve a good throw with some oils and wicking up is a definite.


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