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Im looking, and cant find much info on water in wax...

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I found one thread....i know the water will settle in the bottom of the pot, but can I still use it? Its just for tarts thank goodness. But I just went to use my ky votive pillar wax, and havent used any in a couple weeks. Well, the whole bottom of the bag is full of water, i dont have the slightest clue how water got in there. But, the wax is wet. So, do you all think there is still hope for it? :o


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Can you spread it out on a cookie sheet or something to let it dry before using it.. I *ahem* heard about some chandler down the street *ahem* who dumped water in the wax and poured it anyway for votives. There were pits galore in them. I **umm** I mean she, probably could have re-melted the wax again and it would have been fine, but it's probably better to try and dry it first.

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Oh, sorry that happened to you, Kathlee...err, I mean, YOUR NEIGHBOR, Kathleen. :laugh2:

Something similar happened to me...err, MY NEIGHBOR once. The water sank to the bottom of the pot and she just poured all the wax off the top and wiped the little remaining bit of melted wax and water beads out with a paper towel. :grin2: Batch saved!

Funny how that happens only to OTHER chandlers, eh, K? Small world ...

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Works for me! Errr, I mean, MY NEIGHBOR. LOL

Actually, what I did was to melt it down and leave it liquid. Then since the water goes to the bottom, I just poured all the melted wax off the top very carefully, making sure the water stayed at the bottom. Then when I got to the bottom, I just dumped the rest of the mess (the little bit of remaining melted wax with the water beads in it) into the garbage and wiped my pot out with a paper towel. Worked just fine.

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Im kind of worried if I leave it liquid and try to pour the wax first, that I will still get water in there. I know its time consuming, but it seems to be working pretty well to melt it, let it set up and then take the wax out, and pour out remainder water lol....i dont know, maybe ill try it liquid and see what happens lol

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I use the Surf & Turf melter as well as Prestos. I always have some water in the bottom of the 223. Just an aggrivation. It pops when you start heating it. Never have got the water in candles (it stays on bottom) because I don't let it get in pour pot.

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