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How I spelled D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R . . . PIC ATTACHED

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

Ok, so I saw some soap that was done with green tea. I figured I'd buy some green tea and make it. Well, I put the picture in some cold water and decided to put my lye in it. Well, it was fine at first, but I don't remember what happened, BUT I look again and my lye just bubbles all over the place! I took a pic, but haven't downloaded it yet to show. It smelled horrible. Has anyone soaped useing tea in replace of water?

I poured it slowly, then I think my hand slipped and it all when in. I was going with an all olive oil soap with some castor for the bubbles and put a little green coloring in it. I feel like such as @$$!



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I have soaped tea on many occasions. I usually use triple strength or more. Usually make up the day before, leave tea bags in for extra strength, then put in the fridge. Measure out what I need, then add lye slowly, trying not to burn too much. Everything has always gone well with no vulcano happening.

Try again, only a little slower, and see how things go this time.


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Being a newbie at CP I've tried a few things I probably shouldn't have but didn't know till I tried! I used plain black ice tea with no problems, but I too make a strong tea and put in the refrig over night. I try to make sure every liquid I put with the lye is very cold before adding the lye. The only problem I had is when the soap was cut it looked strange in parts (I swirled it), it had that funny rainbow look that homemade ice tea has on the top sometimes (does anyone know what I mean :confused:).

I also made a lemon lb scented batch using lemonade (koolaid type) as my liquid. Again I made the night before and it was cold when adding the lye - I didn't have any problems with it.

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I am new to the CP area so I need to ask. Why do you add lye to tea water? What difference does it make in the soap?


I added green tea because it had sugar in the base, which adds to the lathering process. (I was too lazy to add my own sugar then). It also added some color to the finished product.

Good luck to you.....happy soaping!

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How goofy of me. Yes that is a mistype, as a matter of fact, a soaping friend told me about "snow on the water" and I am so happy to have that sticking in my mind.

I always take out some water before adding the lye specifically for sugar. My last batch I used powdered sugar, which is a combo of sugar and cornstarch. I am still letting that one cure.

Thank you for pointing out my mistype. Really, someone going thru these post might read it. Hey, I am going to try an edit.


I added green tea because it had sugar in the base, which adds to the lathering process. (I was too lazy to add my own sugar then). It also added some color to the finished product.

And, don't *ever* forget.......you add the lye to the liquids. That is a volcano waiting to happen. Just remember snow on the water. Good luck to you.....happy soaping!

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Guest EMercier

I didn't add sugar. Afterwards, I sat and thought about what I did wrong. I figured I'd have to make it super cold in order for it to mix right. I'll also have to pour slowly. It's funny because I looked around as if someone was watching me! :laugh2: I felt silly. I'll try again tonight. This time, I'll make it cold in the fridge.

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Honestly I don't know as a scented it Lemon Cake, I figured it wouldn't hurt. I should have actually said I can't leave anything plain. Outta the first 5 batches I did 3 I added other things besides plain water to the lye. One was a castille and I added no scent but the mixture I used produced a scent so, I thought I'd start matching other liquids when possible to compliment the scents I was using like Red Tea FO I used ice tea and Lemon Cake I used lemonade.

So I will edit (here) by saying the koolaid wasn't for the color, but more the sugar and hopefully the favor/scent complimented the FO as well :wink2:

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