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does anyone make there own make up?


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with all the new meds i am on i have a bunch of new skin allergeries. and now cant go near my make up bag. i was looking at the bare mineral line but they are so expensive. i bet i can make this stuff. does anyone know how or what direction to send me in. thanks

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pricey, butit lasts a loooong time so it actually isn't expensive. and it gives great coverage without looking like you have a lot of makeup on. i have dry skin and ruptured blood vessels on the apples of my cheeks and the "Bisque" covers it very well. i like that it feels natural, like i'm not wearing any...especially in the hot summer.

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Bare Minerals last a very long time and it holds up on the skin really well. My daughter has dance performances, once in May and then several over the summer. I put her makeup on and it stays put throughout several dances. Including the eye liner they sell. Very natural looking and easy to apply after learning how to do it.

Cynthia on the soap dish use to sell starter kits to make your own mineral makeup, but I don't have her site book marked at home.

Jill from the conservatorie also sells kits to make your own and she has a ton of formula's to start out with (Cynthia might also, but she didn't the last time I looked). Jill's site is www.theconservatorie.com

I bought my daughter one of Cynthia's kits last year and we've made the base, blush and eye shadow. We haven't got the color for her base quite figured out yet, but the blush and eye shadows are really nice. Very easy to do, mixing them up is the hardest part, but if you have a mortar and pestle it really helps (I found ours at lotioncrafters).

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Ok checking out Jess' site, and I just have NO clue which color foundation and finishing powders to pick as samples. It's sooo hard to really know if the colors are true on a computer.

Anyone who uses this have any advice?

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Ok checking out Jess' site, and I just have NO clue which color foundation and finishing powders to pick as samples. It's sooo hard to really know if the colors are true on a computer.

Anyone who uses this have any advice?

Yes, it is very hard, that's why I started everything with samples. I did buy a full jar of the mineral veil, but the rest I just sampled till I found what worked best for me.

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