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Salt vs Sugar Scrubs


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What's selling more for you out there? It seems as though we all favor sugar scrubs...but are the really other benefits to offering salt scrubs in addition to the sugar scrubs?

Salt scrubs to me make me think of spa. Where sugar makes me think of more of a treat for your skin. Does that make sense?

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i think that depending on the salts used, they actually help to draw out impurites/toxins from the skin. For me, salt scrubs work awesome on my oily skin, especially in the summertime.

And yes, I know exactly what you mean in your description of the purpose of each and it's true. Currently I offer only an emulsified sugar scrub but I think I am going to research/experiment with some salt scrubs for the summer season.

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I just can't get passed the fact that salt DOES draw out, therefore to me that says that it's drying, and I definitely don't want that. Besides the fact that when I use it, I'm always feeling the burn of it in some area where I have a cut, or if I use it after shaving, my legs feel like they are on fire, and I hate that.

I'd much rather use the sugar, even if I have to share my shower with the little ants that are attracted to my scrub. LOL ;)

I DID make a foot scrub with salt, just b/c the recipe I had called for it, but I haven't used it as of yet (it's too runny and I couldn't find my ewax at the time to emulsify it a bit), but again, my feet are so dry and rough, I'm wondering how this will work for me??

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I really think offering choices is the best way to go.

I live in the desert and prefer sugar for myself, mainly because my skin here has become more sensitive.

Others want the salt, and in a humid climate that may be well the way to go there.

I lived in the Houston area for years and I had never needed lotion there, and wanted things to help keep my skin drier.

Here its such a difference, I gob on lotions and creams, drink tons of water and use bath oil and sugar scrubs.

I highly recommend making an emulsified scrub, no matter what exfoliant you use. Keeps the drips away!

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