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How to bevel soap?


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I'm new to CP soap making and I like the way the beveled bars look. Can someone help me with how to achieve this look? I've read that there is a tool or some do it with a knife. Then is there a creative way to use the shavings that remain after the soap is beveled?

Thanks for your help,


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You can get a Lil Shaver from For Crafts Sake


or you can use a potatoe peeler but its more work.

I've taken the soap shavings and put them in molds and poured a clear MP soap over them. Looks really cute. I also save them and remelt them all down and make more soap.

Edit - I had the name of the shaver wrong. oops!

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Guest EMercier

I bought the little shaver and do not know how to use it. I was going to come here and ask how to use it if others have it, and I see this posting. If someone has this, can you help me out a bit? :undecided

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EMercier - it's really simple, just line up or set the edge of your bar to the inside edge of the lil shaver and slide your soap across the wire. You can slide all the edges of your soap or 4 edges or however many edges that you want beveled.

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Guest EMercier
EMercier - it's really simple, just line up or set the edge of your bar to the inside edge of the lil shaver and slide your soap across the wire. You can slide all the edges of your soap or 4 edges or however many edges that you want beveled.

It just seems like it's not working. It's not looking like some I've seen here. Maybe it's because I don't have the one like Kangaroo blue has.

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EMercier - If you bars have a rough top then the edge of your bar might not be able to get low enough in that corner. The lil shaver just takes a tiny sliver off the edges. Make sure and hold your bar firmly against the side and the bottom of the lil shaver. The edge of your bar has to be right down in the corner. Does this make sense? It's kinda hard to explain without being able to show you but it's very easy to do.

Are you getting the edge of your bar in the corner of the lil shaver?

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DH made it too, but I've only used it a couple of times. This is the plan


if you don't like the deep bevel, have the boards meet closer than 1/2".

If I need a bevel (usually don't) I use the veggie peeler. Usually I just run my fingernail over the edge on all sides to get rid of the sharp corners - that's as far as my beveling goes.

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DH made it too, but I've only used it a couple of times. This is the plan


if you don't like the deep bevel, have the boards meet closer than 1/2".

If I need a bevel (usually don't) I use the veggie peeler. Usually I just run my fingernail over the edge on all sides to get rid of the sharp corners - that's as far as my beveling goes.

:) Those are the exact instructions my hub used. Took him 10 minutes to actually make it. (took me 2 weeks to talk him into it! lol)

I love it though! And the scraps I use in other soaps as confetti, make soap balls out of them, or just set the confetti peices in the bathroom as sort of a soap potpouri.

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