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Votive Wicking??

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I'm making up a bunch of votives this weekend. I don't have any pre-tabbed wicks for them so I'm going to have to make my own. I was wondering if I could use small pieces of bamboo skewers to stick in the wax to make my wick hole so I don't have to tie up the wick on everyone of them and then insert my wicks? TIA

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I imagine it would be rather difficult to push a wooden skewer through wax that is already set up. I guess if you catch it at the right time, when the wax is still somewhat soft you could do it.

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Okay, I may be a little dense here, but am I understanding you correct when you say you have no pre-tabbed wicks so you just want to insert just a wick in the votive?

If that's the case, and you plan on selling these, I would reconsider. I used to do that just to test my wicks, and I always ran the risk of the melt pool getting deep enough towards the bottom that the wick would just fall over. Most of the time it would just drown the wick, but once it actaully fell close enough to the glass and it got so hot it broke the glass votive cup. If you can put out the flame before the wick is in a total melt pool then you'll be okay, but it's the tab is what helps the wick "stand to attention" (no smart remarks needed :laugh2: ).

If I misunderstood you I apologize. Just don't want to see any unsafe steps taken here.

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