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hinged muffin containers


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Yes, I checked at Sam's and they did not have the ones with individual sections for cupcakes.

I did a google search initially b4 posting on here, I just did not want to buy 300 to start with.

I was reading the post on bath bomb packaging and several said they gave their customers egg cartons (clear) to fill up when they were shopping. My bath bombs are to big for the egg cartons but will fit nicely in the cupcake containers.

I thougt since some of the candlemakers made the pie type of candles they know of a B&B or candle supplier that sold them in smaller quantities.

Guppygirl suggested Gordon Foods, and we have a new one locally so I will try their as well.


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I don't know, that is why I did not want to buy a ton until I tested them, then I thought I can go buy some cupcakes and test them but not all styles of these things are the same...I guess I have to go to the grocery and look around and buy some diffent types to try

I hate going to the grocery:D

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