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Questions about using liquid soap


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Hello all...I recently vacationed in Clearwater Fl where I bought some products from a local making sea salt scrubs, lotion bars and lip balms...I am still very new to making this stuff. I absolutely enjoyed the lotion bar and have found several recipes...If someone has a good bar recipe I would love to see it....Now my question, I also looked up a recipe for the scrub which included liquid soap...this may sound stupid but is there a special "liquid soap" or just one from the store? If so..how did they just list the ingredients as liquid soap and not the brand so forth? Also I read a recipe for scrup with LS and it called for 1/2c liquid soap(diluted paste & neutralized)...WHAT? HELP! Last question....can you use sugar instead of salt in this type of recipe? I find the salt a little harsh. Sorry for so many questions.....



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No, there isn't a special "liquid soap". And it was labeled incorrectly, it should have had all the ingredients of the liquid soap on the label as well (not the brand name). And if it was a local in Florida, they will probably eventually get caught, because Florida has some of the strictest cosmetic laws in the US - lots of $ for manufacturing inspections and such.

the 1/2c liquid soap (diluted paste & neutralized) is probably referring to handmade liquid soap - they wanted to make sure you were using the soap after it had gone through all the stages, not just the raw paste.

Yes, sugar is more gentle, you can use that..

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thank you for your reply....I was wondering how they could just list liquid soap...but however, I am making some for personal use so if I use a liquid soap from the store and use the sugar instead of salt I guess I have no legal worries. I want to make everything...it is so addictive but I am not confident enough nor have I tested enough to even think about selling my product. Again thanks for the information.

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No, there isn't a special "liquid soap". And it was labeled incorrectly, it should have had all the ingredients of the liquid soap on the label as well (not the brand name). And if it was a local in Florida, they will probably eventually get caught, because Florida has some of the strictest cosmetic laws in the US - lots of $ for manufacturing inspections and such.

You got that right, sometimes I get nervous just giving stuff away.

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