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BEWARE of "POS Paper Supply"


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I ordered from them for the first time a couple weeks back. Not only did they totally screw up my order and leave me in a crappy bind when it came to my show that weekend (because they obviously cannot get things straight over there, especially ordering), but when I called to get it straightened out, they tell me that 1. I will not get reimbursed until THEY get the return package, 2. They send UPS to pick up the package, but fail to tell me when. and 3.Have UPS make only 1 attempt. So not only was I not here because they failed to tell me when to expect this pick up, but they make no other attempts to collect their product that they screwed up. So I have been without the total cost for about 2 weeks now, because they are to lazy or screwed up to get their crap back to reimburse me.

SOOOOO I call again yesterday and talk with a super. She says they are sending UPS over today, okay fine. I ask her to be sure they are going to have a call tag because I sure as hell am not paying for the return shipping on the order THEY messed up on. She says yes. Well UPS just left and guess what, he only had an order to pick up. NO CAll Tag or anything about it. POS only scehduled a pick up. I even saw the paper. Well I explained the situation to him and he called his boss, and she has the account # from POS and the authorization to "pick up" so she said to send the box and she would make sure POS got charged and not me.

I am sooo pissed that one they did not offer anything to me for my inconviences. HEck If I screwed up a customers order like that I would definately let the keep the mess up or off a discount or something. ESPESCIALLY a first time customer. Second I am pissed because they are hanging on to MY money, on the order THEY messed up on. They will hang on until they get the stuff back, but then it will take 3 billing statements!! WTF SO I am OUt 30.00 for a month because they screwed up. Ugggh I am soo pissed. So if you value your money dont use POS!

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Tess, what is POS? I'm not familiar with that company but certainly want to avoid them. Thanks!

They sell stuff like office paper supplies. I ordered a case of thermal paper for my new register, and I got some credit card slips. Those type things. ;)

If anyone has any suggestions for a better company please post!! I googled these guys, and should have asked here first.

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First I'm really sory about your 'customer service' or lack there of. This type of service should not be tolerated by anyone from any compny.


I was just wondering, this is not the first company one of us has had problems with - - so - - why doesn't someone send the companies that are written about on this site a link to the string mentioning THIER 'not so customer orientated' 'customer service?'

After all we are all doing the same buisness and need the same supplies so maybe this would open their eyes to the impact of thier actions, or lack of action.

Just a thought...Tom

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Sounds like POS is a very appropriate name for them

I think we should help them out a little - maybe suggest a few slogans for them to use -

POS - Our name says it all!

POS - it's more than just a name, it's an attitude - we have the biggest POS attitude about Customer Service in the business!

POS - We stand behind our products! (Way, way behind them)

At POS our customers always come first! (They are always the first ones who come complaining about us)


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OMG Scrubzz you totally made my day!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!! Well got the box sent off yesterday, and now I have to wait a week till they get their product back, and then 3 billing cycles before I see my own money. :undecided

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