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Well, I was wondering from anyone who has tried or uses j223 what they thought of the wax, my wax supplier discontinued j-50 and was told by someone that j223 was great, just wondered what you all thought before I order. Thanks in advance.


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I had been using J50 like you until my local supplier quit selling it...now I use J223. The J223 does not perform like the J50...it has a dip in my JJ, I usually do a re pour or just zap with a heat gun. Also, I have to wick up a bit with the J223. In my JJ I use 51z in heavy scents, others I use 44z. Whereas, with the J50 I used 44z altogether. Great throws both hot and cold. HTH

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J223 is a great wax. I tested it against J50 and chose J50, but if you need somthing comparable, this would be a good one. It doesn't behave exactly like J50, so you will need to do some testing. I know how much that stinks. :undecided

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Have used the J223 for the past couple of years and been very happy with it. I just starting testing the 70/30 blend from Green Leaf and so far am pretty happy with the results.

As far as wet spots, expect to get them.....you will get them (maybe not today but when you look next week they will be there)

One pour - I hardly ever have to zap with heat gun and have never done a 2nd pour....depends upon the type of container I use...Occasionally get a 'dip' but a quick zap with the heat gun fixes it quickly

Throw - hot and cold are great with 223.....If the fo is good, it will throw! I have had minimal problems with wicking - I use zincs but do get sooting - depending upon the container ...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using it 50/50 with Soy and I love it. Nice smooth candle, with a great scent throw. Now If I could just find the right wick. I'm working on that. I've got a ton more samples coming tomorrow.

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