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Country Club was a BUST!


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Hi all, I posted on saturday about the country club invite. What a bust! The whole set up was very nice. They had white table cloths on every table and then skirted front and back (nobody was seeing any of your ugly packing boxes!) My SIL sold I think 3 candles and about 6 "tarts" I sold 3 aroma ornaments! Believe me..there was alot of MONEY walking around the place, just none of it was leaving anybodies pockets. How the whole think worked was this: It was called a Chocolate Sunday. The tickets were $20.00 and all the proceeds were going to the children's home. I believe the country club donated the space. Anyway. There were numbers 1-27 on the tickets. There were 27 vendors of all types, crafts, catering services, pampered chef, a shoe store, bakeries, gourmet cookies, etc. As the person visited each vendor you gave them their freebie and marked the number of your table off the card. So basically, everyone was stopping to get their free tea light and said oh how nice our stuff was and they'd be back after they got all their freebies. Freebies were pens, nail files, etc. and lots of chocolate....covered pretzels, donuts, fudge, biscotti, cupcakes, gourmet cookies (all mini size). As the people walked in the front door they were given a big shopping bag and a plastic food take home tray that they could put all their food samples in. It was actually kind of gross when you were handed a ticket with chocolate smeared all over it and was sort of comical to see grown ups all dressed up with chocolate spots or smears all over. There were children as well with tickets. They were dressed to the nines as well. So all in all even though we didn't sell like we thought we would, we were only there 3 hours and it was all for a good cause and we did a lot of people watching. Hopefully

all those who took business cards and said they'd call to place an order.. will (yea right!) I still haven't unloaded my car but plan on doing so tomorrow and will try to get some pics posted in the gallery of all that I stayed up doing until 4 AM on Sun.!

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My 2 biggest busts were country clubs and I vowed to never to do again. In fact, I don't do anything small anymore, it is just to much work and I don't have time for it.

I am sorry it did not go better, but like you said, people watching can be so much fun:D

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Thanks for the encouragement. It actually was just good to be there. The benefit was for a home for children with severe disabilities and illness, so knowing that just having one of the 27 tables there to draw people in..to sell more tickets was a great satisfaction. The tealites we gave out were just plain ol' store bought tealites that my SIL got for about a penny a piece from a store that was closing. We found out about having the table Thursday evening and no way had time to prepare 400 free items. I thought about putting a round label on the bottom with my business name, but my printer is out of ink and lo and behold...called yesterday to see why I haven't gotten it yet (dell) and apparently DHL lost it!

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Guest EMercier

Sorry to hear that. I had one that was like that. Wasn't a complete bust, but they came with their tickets and most never came back to buy something. I hope mine does pretty good. I've been giving out my postcards to people. I hope they come.

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