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uuuugggggg --- sorry long --


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Here's my short scenerio -- I'm feeling very upset about this.

I have been pouring candles for almost 8 years now -- I also have a candle pouring partner... we both have other jobs -- I still have mine, becuase I can retire in 3 years. However, my partner had another job for over 7 years, in the local abstract office - her boss was handing our candles out at closings, and usualy bought about a case a month -- not a lot, but we did make a few conatcts from those being handed out. Well the "boss" and my partner had a "difference of opinion" about several things and she ended up firing my partner i.. She is now at our shop full time so this is a good thing for us -- it has been about 9 months since she left that job and now the bosses friend has started making candles in the same jar we are using probably trying to pass them off as ours or at least trying to make them look like ours.. we offer over 60 scents -- they have 6 scents... soo should I be flattered they are trying to copy us --- I'm not -- I just keep thinking -- they could have at least been original... arggggg - I think I need to have someone buy one so I can cretique it... ha - OH - by the way the boss still ows us for 3 cases -- which our accountant said -- we might as well just write off.. Our husbands -- say -- they wont make it..

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yes -- I have sent a total of 3 invoices !! all ignored.

You could take them to small claims court. Usually just the filing will get their attention as they won't want the bad press. The other alternative is to turn them over to a collection company but that is usually not worth it though some people will immediately pay so as not to have their credit damaged.

Just a thought or two.

Good Luck!


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You said it was an abstract company. Do they do title work etc. If so, put a lien on them. Is it a small town? There are any number of things you can do in a small town to embarrass them into paying while still making yourself look like the victim.

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