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BCN's Ceramic Electric Tart Burners

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A while back I was asking anyone if they had tried BCN's electric tart burners. Some people got them confused with the candle warmers but none replied to the actual tart burners. I was concerned about buying these because other electric burners I have purchased didn't melt my tarts all the way. Anyway, I decided to try one to see how well it would do. Well, I'm happy to say that it works very well. It doesn't melt it as fast as my candle warmer with the stainless steel pinch bowl on it but it does a good job. People had mentioned that BCN's "candle warmers" got extremely hot on the bottom of the warmer...well...I'm happy to report that the tart burners do not get extremely hot, as they are only 15 watts. Just thought I'd let you folks know if you were interested in them. They are very reasonable at $6.75 each and they look way better than what I've been using.

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Grumpy Girl: I've tried several different tarts in them and they were not too hot, nor did they smoke. The scent did not burn off quickly at all. So they must have changed them somewhat from last year. The only draw back I can see from these is that they don't have a removable bowl...the bowl is built into the unit itself.

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Fern, thanks for posting back about these tart warmers. 15 watts shouldn't get to hot . i was afraid that they wouldn't melt warm enough. how many tarts can you put in them ? the candle warmer i get from walmart i can put 2 tarts made from reg. size tart mold or i put 1 of the large muffin pan size. i think the reason i didn't like most tealight tart warmer , is because most i found would hold only 1 reg. size tarts and i liked melting 2 at a time. but like you i was looking for a reasonable priced tart warmer, that i wouldn't have any trouble getting my money back on. i just might have to order one of these also.:)

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Thanks, fern . these not for me then, not only do i like removing the bowl and put in fridge for a couple of mins to pop out the tart easy, i also like to melt 2 at a time and most of the people buy from me says they do too. why can't some place make a warmer that gets hot enough, with deep dish & removeable, different colors, no certain amount to purchase and at a price we can afford easy. i know i'm dreaming:laugh2:

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FirstLady: You might want to check out Candles and Supplies then. They have the combo candle/tart warmer with a deep removable ceramic bowl. They're only $6.50 each, but...they're 24 watts. Like Grumpy Girl said, the higher wattage may burn off the scent quickly and cause some smoking.

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