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New to board, Want to try making soy tarts

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Good morning,

I am new to the board and also totally new to candle making. After purchasing many soy candles and tarts, I have decided it would be fun to try making them myself. I have scoured the net, and through surfing I found alot of valuable info, but I also found the more I read, the more confused I became. I would like to start out with soy tarts to see how that goes. I would appreciate any suggestions about what wax to use, where you purhase it, and also the scents you use and where you buy them. Your help is much appreciated. :)

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Welcome to the board!

If you are going to start with soy tarts, You will need tart molds. As for wax you will probably have to buy different kinds to see what you like. I use a votive wax to make mine. Some people use container wax. It is all preference. Fragrances you can purchase from suppliers too. And you can find suppliers on this board and in the suppliers by state section. Since I am not sure where you are located I can't tell you one near you. I am in Michigan and I am a supplier. If you would like you can check out my website it is in my signature.

Good luck and Welcome to the board!

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Bittercreek South is right there in Texas. They have a nice selection of scents. They also have EcoSoya pillar blend soy wax, which is what I use.

Unfortunately they do not have tart molds

But if you are close enough to them, you could pick up your supplies and avoid shipping costs

Oh...also LoneStar Candle Supply is in Texas too

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If I lived in Texas, or down that way and going to check out Bitter Creek...

I would - hands down - go for the EZ Soy and no additives are needed...they are one of the only companies who carry it, and it is goooood stuff. Excellent scent throw, easy to work with, and one of the most frequently used soys.

Also, you can save money by going to Wal-Mart and purchasing muffin tins for your tarts. Soy is very soft, and with the pretty, floral-looking type molds...they are just too delicate and the edges of the tarts will break off and look like crap....yep, I tried it...wasted a lot of money on pretty molds too. Pop the tins into the freezer, once the tarts are set, and they will drop right out of the muffin pans.

You may want to start not using colors until you feel comfortable. A lot of ppl do not use color in tarts.

Best wishes to you, and welcome to the board.

Fern Marie

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Welcome to the board. I'm sure you will find lots of info here as I have. It seems that you have lots of suppliers right there in Texas. That will save you a ton of money on shipping. I buy my wax local and some of my FO's but I also order some FO's and pay for the shipping. There was a post at one point on how much people paid to have their wax shipped and it was amazing how much I'm saving just picking it up. Good luck with your tarts :)

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