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Tins--sale potential?


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Most everyone I know LOVES the tins. ;)

I sell just the 6oz. ones right now, since I can't find the wicks I was using in the 8oz. tins now. and don't feel like retesting. LOL

I've tried the 16oz. tins but what a PITA to wick and they just seem so flimsy compared to the smaller ones!! :tongue2:

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Well our first year with tins(2 years ago) they flew off the table..everyone loved them. Last year they just sat. I still have them available on my website because I have a couple wholesale orders that use them, but I wont be lugging them to the shows this year.

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I triple wicked the 16oz tins and people really liked them last year. They made simple gifts & I'll continue with them. I'm toying with adding some other sizes too, but I'm not sure which.

4oz just doesn't seem big enough. Its more of a travel candle for hotel rooms. So I 'm favoring maybe a 6 or a 10oz size.

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I do the 2 and 6oz tins (the 2oz is only for our wedding, bridal, etc favors & samplers) & that is all we do. We go through about 700 tins a month (6oz) and about 1,000 tins every 3 months (2oz)

I did however get some cases of the metro jars from fancycandlejars.com & I am interested to see how the tins do after I introduce the new jars.

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Well.....I'm discontinuing mine--they do not sell for me

:(. But I have heard some other members say that they do well with them.

Guess it just all depends on the market in your particular location.

I agree, they didn't sell well enough for me to continue them, but others have good luck with them.

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I do my wickless in tins, but my customers are asking me to make them square mason candles without the wick. They would much rather have those. So, I am still offering tins, but they aren't my best seller. Too bad though. They are much cheaper to have shipped to me.

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6 oz. tins are one of my biggest sellers. One advantage for website sales is that they are not as heavy as glass candles to ship, and they are less fragile, so you don't need as much packing material. I think tins sell better if you have a really cute label, so be sure to spend a little time on making your label colorful and eye-catching if you decide to sell them.

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Wickless?? I'm clueless. Be gentle please' date=' I'm new.[/quote']

It's a candle poured without a wick. You put the jar or tin on a candle-warmer (much like a mug warmer). The wax melts from the heat of the warmer and the scent is released without the use having to have an open flame. Biggest seller for me. Do a search on here and you'll find lots more info :grin2:

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