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My whipped shea butter gots the funkies...


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I just went to my box where I have my whipped shea butters to send some to my oldest daughter, and a few of them have gotten funky!! :(

I have about 20 2oz. jars in this box that I've been storing them in for about 4 months and not all of them but about 6 of them have some funky looking orange stuff down towards the bottom outside of the jar. (clear jars).

All that is in my recipe was AK unrefined shea, SAO and FO.

So, I'm thinking it's got the funkies right? But why? I thought we didn't have to put a preservative in this?

Should I throw out all of it? I mean even the ones that DON'T look funky? I'm sooo bummed. :(

Of course I've been using it and using it, I've got one in the car, one on my bathroom counter, hubby has one at work, one by his side of the bed, and we've never noticed anything funky in these. ?????

Whaddya think?

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Hmm I didn't smell it yet, but it was mango papaya so don't think it's the FO, but then again who really knows?

This is the time where I wish I knew someone who was a chemist/scientist so they could test it for me.

Geesh, first my lotion got mold, now my WSB looks funky, what next?????? :(

I'll go smell it and report back, but it's a wierd funky orange color just on one side of the jar down towards the bottom.

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Ok, they all smell fine, just like the day I pkgd. them, BUT........

One of them looks REALLY bad! :eek: It's got the orange like the others but it's also got some funky looking white stuff too, I haven't dug it up to really check it out, but it looks like mold to me!! :(

I'm soooo pissed!

Great, now I'm afraid to give ANYTHING I make out to others. I'm always super duper careful with hygiene etc. scrubbing everything down, using bleach, gloves, pulling my hair back etc. I guess now I'm just gonna HAVE to wear a mask at all times as well.

I just cannot understand why only SOME of them are funky, and why this one is really FUNKY????? Ewww it looks nasty!!!!!! :embarasse

Edited: I went to take a pic. so you could see it, but of course my ever picture taking happy daughter (her and her best friend are always taking pics. of eachother!!) used up my batteries, and I don't have anymore. :rolleyes:

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was your veggie oil old? even though it has a shelf life of 1 year ,i highly recommend adding tocopherol to prevent rancidity in veggie oils. i also always recommend adding a preservative since wet hands could dip into a whipped butter, and introduce beasties.

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Nope, not old all less than a year, well at least to ME, who knows how long the supplier had them huh? :rolleyes:

I wish I could take a pic. of this one, it's staring at me right now, and I'm scared. :laugh2:

So, should I just toss them ALL, or just the funky ones?

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Hopefully others will chime in that have had that experience (next time I advise you to color your butter and then you won't know - JUST JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I didn't see that you didn't add a preservative, I always do, as you NEVER know what people will do w/ it (plus FL is humid). I'd rather have an unnatural product and CMA. PLUS I'm one that shovels preservatives down my throat everyday. People worry about preservatives on their skin, I'd worry more about ingesting it- JMO :)

ANYhoo...... WOW! I feel bad, I hope it wasn't too big a batch?!

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No Gene, this white stuff in the one single jar (besides all the dark funky orange color) is definitely a "funky" or "beastie" or whatever you want to call it. :eek: So.... I'm thinking the orange stuff is also the same, as the one with the white funkies also has that same orange look around the white. :(

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Is it just in the jars you've used or in some of the others too? I was thinking maybe something from a hand "infected" them. But if it's in the jars you haven't used then it's probably something in all of them. Also, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't in the others too. Could be spores or whatever they are, waiting to hatch. Sorry this is happening to all of your hard work! :embarasse

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It is only in the ones that were boxed up and stored, unused actually. :( But, yah, I'm thinking it must be in all of it, even though like I stated earlier my husband and I each have at least two different jars that we use regularly, and those look FINE!! :undecided

Yep, waited until the next day actually to jar it all up, so I know it was cool and basically "settled" beforehand.

I'm just not sure what could have caused it, just one of those EXPENSIVE mysteries I guess. :(

I think I'm gonna toss it, all of it, jars and all, just to be safe. :undecided

It doesn't take much work to make more, it's just a shame to have to waste all that shea butter and oil.

I think I'll just start putting in a preservative for good measure. Any recommendations on what type would be best for this application, and how much? 1% like for lotions and such?? I normally use phenonip for that and my scrubs, but if there is a better one I'm all over it baby, don't want any repeats of this happening.

Dang I wish I could show you all the funkies in it.

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Phenonip is what I use (good for oils/butters).

I had to laugh I pulled out of the frig a whipped scrub I make this morning (I guess yesterday its now 2am) and the bottom was all orange! aaahhhhhh Michelle's funkies found me in FL :D! It was the coffee grounds I put in it "bleeding".... I hope :tiptoe:

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I've been using Liquapar Optima for mine. It can be used in products with no water, like whipped shea. I always add preservative to shea because it is applied with the hands and little germies will get in it no matter what.

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