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Just a question about waxes

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I normally make my tarts with the same wax that I use to make my candles. I use NG Joywax and really am happy with this wax over any other I have used for making my candles. I have had to up the scent pp on my tarts on some scents, mentioned that in another thread concerning this. My question is about using the same wax for tarts and candles. The joywax is fairly soft, I would say that it has the consistency of crisco and it is very easy for me to work with. Now, when I make my tarts I don't use molds for them, I just pour them into the little muffin type foiled papers and then once they set place them in the cello bags. I found this to be extremely easy for me personally and the tarts end up being a little over an ounce each. The only thing that I have noticed is that the tarts may be a little too soft using this wax. I have only been doing this for about 4 years but tarts are just something that I added in the past year, mostly I do them for myself but do have the occassion when I sell a few. I realize that this question may be one that the answers may be based on differing opinions but, I am willing to go with the majority in getting a wax that might be better suited for tarts. I don't want any trade secrets or formulas, I'm not asking for that at all, just some opinions on which wax works best when making tarts. Like I said, Joywax has been my wax of choice for a while now so I would love to try something different so maybe I could cut back on some of the FO pp in my tarts. I would appreciate any help or opinions. TIA

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When I first started making candles I used straight soy and then switched to Joy Wax...which I used for a long time until I discovered some other container waxes that I liked better. I also used to make tarts with the Joy in the little foil liners as well. They did fairly well but they are messy when it comes to changing them out of the burner. What I did was add OK6228 wax to the Joy to make a much firmer tart that was easier to get out of the burners. OK6228 is a preblended pillar/votive wax which requires no additives. This stuff shrinks a lot but if you use 50/50 of both waxes, you will reduce the shrinking to just about nil and will give you some great looking and great smelling tarts.

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I've never had any trouble getting the tarts out of the burners. Just a few minutes in the freezer and they pop right out for me. I may have to get me some pillar/votive wax and give it a try. I would like for the tarts to be a little more "solid" though and that might be the way I should go in order to get them that way.

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