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I'm at a loss..need some suggestions


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Hi currently I am working on soy container candles and tarts, melts, whatever you want to call them. I have my business name, I have come up with an advertising message, but just can't seem to put it together and get a label or logo. My husband wants me to use round labels on the lids, since I am using flat lids, but I seem to think these are just going to get taken off and either misplaced or thrown out. This whole label thing seems to be my most undecided part of this whole business venture. I am using 5,10,16 oz Apoth., 5,9,15oz honey pot, 8,12oz metro, status votive, and 8oz roly poly jars. This is my company name and I guess you would call it a "motto" or advertising cliche:

Delightful Illuminations

"A Delightfully Illuminating Soy Experience"

Now I guess the main suggestion I am looking for is what should I put on the labels... I thought about using an awesome sunset picture where the sky is all illuminated..but I am sooo second guessing myself...its driving me nuts.

Thanks for any suggestions anyone may have.


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Well just reading this and I guess a sunset doesn't make me think of candles, but you'd just have to try it and see. A sunset makes me think of extinguishing light. I guess I would be more inclined to think of some kind of pleasing light, like a grouping of lit candles perhaps. Or I guess a pix of a sunrise over a soybean field might work. Just experiment with graphics and you may come across something that really works for you.

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You know I agree with the whole illuminations issue, but my 9 year old daughter came up with the name and since we don't really have any business clientele yet..if it flops..we'll just come up with something else, but I was just sooo impressed with my little girl!! Well I guess she isn't so little anymore coming up with ideas like that..lol

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Its tough to come up with ideas for someone else. Its your company, you know what you want to express to the public its really just a matter of trying out ideas and coming up with something that you love. I take months to come up with ideas for my labels, change them around and look at them each day. I have been working on perfume labels since Christmas, printed about 10 varieties out and have them just laying around the house on bottles. I might just walk up on one, see it and get another idea or tweak it to get just the perfect thing. Really, its your company so its your personality that should show in your product and labels, not someone elses. You will have plenty of time to get your labels figrued out since you are just starting out because of all the testing needed to make a safe retailable product. Then there is the liability insurance you will need, warning labels, and the hundred other things you have to do before selling to the public. Take your time and you will not be sorry. Bruce

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