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GL's Magic of India

Pam W

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Hi Pam,

Magic of India smelled chocolatey to me too until I put it in wax, Brenda told me to try it in wax. It smells nothing like chocolate once it's in the wax, it smells awesome and it throws really well. I really like it!

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Thanks Dee,

I've been on a chocolate kick the last couple days and was beginning to think I had entered the twilight zone.

I poured a 16 oz jar and now am rather anxious to see how the scent changes as it cures.

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I couldn't wait to know what the hot scent would be -- poured a little left over mixture in a container & set on the tart warmer. It doesn't smell like chocolate anymore. I don't smell patch but then I have a problem smelling patch anyway. The scent I'm smelling is the blend of floral and sweet amber and it is really nice.

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Does anyone know if the Cucumber Melon is like that. Mine smells STRONGLY floral OOB, but perhaps it changes in wax?

I thought it might have been a mixup, but maybe it's one of those morphers. I pm'd greenleaf, but didn't get a reply. I know they were busy with all the samples, and I didn't want to keep bugging them over a 1 oz. bottle of free FO.

Hmm, better go get this baby in some wax!

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Does anyone know if the Cucumber Melon is like that. Mine smells STRONGLY floral OOB, but perhaps it changes in wax?

I thought it might have been a mixup, but maybe it's one of those morphers. I pm'd greenleaf, but didn't get a reply. I know they were busy with all the samples, and I didn't want to keep bugging them over a 1 oz. bottle of free FO.

Hmm, better go get this baby in some wax!

You PM'd me and I didn't answer? I apologize. I really try and look out and make sure I reply to everything. I've never had anyone say that our Cucumber Melon smelled floral - but then again, not everyone has the same nose. Definitely try it in wax and let me know what you think. I'll be interested to hear. Magic of India is a definite changer and is very representative of why we say not to judge an oil OOB where you are just getting the top notes of the scent. Again - please accept my apology and feel free to "shoot me" if you don't get a response :wink2:


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Yep, I posted in the "greenleaf FO review" thread. PM'd you my e-mail addy and some thoughts on the FO I received.

Will get this in wax though. ;) No apology needed. I know it must be crazy trying to get those samples out!

:whip: Just keep whipping me and I'll get it soon :) Sorry I missed it. Thanks for posting again.

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