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Need a wick expert

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I have not worked with anything but HTP wicks because....well I like them! But I don't think they have a size in between 126 and 1212. And for my vanilla's and hard to burn fo I need something that would fall in between. 126 is not hot enough and 1212 is too hot. Anybody know of a wick. (besides cotton cuz I hate them).

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You don't say what type of jar you are using, but I would consider double wicking it. If none of those wicks worked for you, chances are you are not going to get a single wick to work. I double wick almost any jar that is 3" or larger.

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Actually the wick progression goes like this for HTPs:





I have a wick chart I made from copying data for different wicks from a website. It has HTPs, LXs, zincs and others showing wax consumption in grams/hour, flame height, etc. It really is handy. Anyway, the HTP126 may not be the biggest physically, but it is the hottest.

If you want a copy, PM me ;)


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The container I'm using is a glass parmesan shaker (large) the diameter of the opening is about 2 1/2 inch so can't double wick. A 126 doesn't burn hotter than a 1212 for me. I mainly use 126 in my jj and only if I have a vanilla type fo do I go to a 1212. But that usually is too hot.

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The Premier 700 series of wicks is my recommendation (although I don't use soy - these wicks are made to work especially well in soy). The reason I recommend these is because they have a huge selection of sizes. You won't likely have the problem of needing a size in between. You can get free samples of their wicks (and they give you a huge box of samples to try). :)


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The container I'm using is a glass parmesan shaker (large) the diameter of the opening is about 2 1/2 inch so can't double wick. A 126 doesn't burn hotter than a 1212 for me. I mainly use 126 in my jj and only if I have a vanilla type fo do I go to a 1212. But that usually is too hot.

I have tested the 126 as well and always thought that it didn't burn as hot as the 1212 1312 wicks. Even though they say it is supposed to be hotter, it never was for me either.

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My experience too with the 126 was that it didn't burn as hot as the 1212. Have you tried the CD's or ECOs? I would try a CD 20 and see how that one works. I use the widemouth mason jars which has a 3 inch opening and I can use the 20 and 22's for the harder to wick FOs. Perhaps these will work for you.

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