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Silly Castile Question


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I have seen a lot of people use %100 olive oil in CP. Does this mean that there are no bubbles or cleansing effects? When I punch it into the soap calc. it shows 0 for cleansing and bubbles. I doubt this is the case because I have bought and love castile soap and never noticed a lack of bubbles. I'm itching to try this out.:grin2:



...oops I think this is posted in the wrong area...sorry.

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Can't help technically speaking but, my take on it is that...olive does, of course, produce a lather...just not a lather that most soaps do. It's more of a slimyish (is that a word? ;) ) lather to me (just my opinion). From researching, I do know alot of soapers add 10% castor oil to help boost the lather some. And I would think it really doesn't provide a cleansing effect per say...but I'm sure it "cleanses" somewhat and since it's great for sensitive skin, it's good not to have too much cleanse to it anyway. On a different note, I wanted to add that I've used straight plain oils to "cleanse" my face with and then use a washcloth with warm water to gently wipe it off and my skin feels just as clean (if not better feeling) than when I use soap.

It would be interesting to hear what some of the expert soapers have to say.

Anyway, I say go for it!!:)

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I make a 100% olive oil soap, it does not have a real "bubbly" lather, but it is one of my top sellers, I use it for my baby soap and people use it for sensitive skin. In addition, most customers say they don't feel like they need to moisturize afterwards.

The reason OO soap is so good for skin is because it does not have a lot of cleansing to it.

I notice an extra "glide" to it, but never thought of it as slimey, but I know some people do, I do add a little beeswax for a harder bar and use a water discount so I am not waiting ages for a "perfect" bar of soap

I also use a high % of OO in my basic recipe soap

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