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if your soap went thru a gell stage?I made a batch of cpop Saturday,after the two hrs with the oven on 180 degrees,I had to leave home until the next day.In the two hours with the oven on, it had not gone thru the gell stage.The next day when I return home,I took it out of the oven,and unmolded it,it felt kinda rubbery,and dry looking on top.This was my frist cpop.Also when the oven was on the soap look like it had yeast in it.It rose up under the saran wrap.Sorry this is so long,I can't explain anything very good.


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I've also heard it does less damage to the fragrance.

Personally i prefer to cover the mold and let it set overnight. simple and easy.

Try a water discount if you want shorter curing time.

I like making things as simple as possible

Master batchs

pre- mixed lye (40% solution)

Fo's added to the oils

I can whip up a batch in 15 minutes

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I'm not a great fan of cpop. I just don't like what it does to the consistency of the soap, although I know that many love this method. I agree with Gene, keep it simple, take a water discount and cover the batch nicely. You will have a beautiful, smooth batch of soap that will cure quickly. No worries.

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I've also heard it does less damage to the fragrance.

Personally i prefer to cover the mold and let it set overnight. simple and easy.

Try a water discount if you want shorter curing time.

I like making things as simple as possible

Master batchs

pre- mixed lye (40% solution)

Fo's added to the oils

I can whip up a batch in 15 minutes

Gene - When you talk about premixed lye - what exactly do you mean?

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Gene - When you talk about premixed lye - what exactly do you mean?

Lye is mixed ahead of time. I mix it by the gallon.

When I want to make soap, I pull out a container of oils nuke it for 3 minutes, add fo, lye, wham bam it's done:)

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