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Not sure how to ask this, or...


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if this is even the right section to ask it in, but...

I've been wanting to get into making the pie candles for a couple of months now. I've read all of the info I could find (which really wasn't all that much). I'm fairly sure I understand the basics of working with gel. I think once I get a chance to actually play with it, I'll understand better... the 'hands on' thing.

OK, all that said, I'm planning a pecan pie first off. Now the way I want to do it. I've got an amazing pecan caramel scent. I want to make my pecans with this. The crust will be scented in... gasp...pie crust! hehee

Will this be enough smell good in there? I kinda don't really want to scent the gel if I don't have to (and have absolutely no idea why!). Will this work? Do any of you with experience see anything that will or could possibly go even the slightest bit wrong here? I figure I've got at least two weeks before I even think of getting any kind of gel wax,and then maybe another week or two before it's actually put to use, so I've got that much time to tweak the plan.

Also, would a HTP83 wick be ok? Or should I order some of the zinc? Or possibly one of the WickIt series, Performa, paper core or RRD? (I've got all of these except for the zinc.) It'll be either a 3" or 5" pie. Haven't ordered the mold for the crust yet, so that is really flexible.

So sorry to write a book with this. That is why I try not to post too often. Being a housemom can make you sooo long-winded with anyone other than family... UGH, ok shutting up for now...


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I dont do gel on a regular basis, rarely have done it. However, In my opinion I dont think there will really be much scent if the gel isnt scented. Is there a reason you dont want to scent it? Also, I think you will most likely need more than 1 wick. Depending on which size pie you make. But with a 5 inch pie, just in my experience, i used three wicks. Dont remember which size now because i havent done that in a long tim, they were were zinc though. Im sure someone who actually makes these will be able to be of more help. A good place to look for a pie crust mold is www.flexiblemolds.com There are other places too, but that might be a good start if you hadnt found a place yet. Anyhow I hope that helps some! Good luck, i might have to do those pies again sometime, so cute!

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Well you really need to scent your gel or you will not have any cold throw other wise or it will just smell like pie crust. Now if your Pecans are exposed you will get some secnt from that but not much. I don't think the hot throw will be there for you just not enough scent in your pecans.

As far as HTP wick I use 3 HTP83 in most of my 5" pies.

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Well, there goes my whole plan...

The main reason I didn't want to scent the gel is that my fo isn't gel compatible, which now that I think of it might not have been a good idea anyways... ahh, well.

Maybe I could use the yummy smelling pecans I'll now have to make for no reason at all to top off the plain jane containers I'll have to use the fo for?

WELL, at least one good piece of news for me today! Finally got my baby Maxxies pic to work for my avatar! Yippee! Hmm, me thinks I might need to start cussing at pies so I can get something right with them :confused: ... it got the pic to work anyways!

Thanks for letting me know. Back on the search.


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Thanks for the suggestions! For some reason I hadn't even thought of doing that. And here I was very near tears because of the fact that thanks to my VERY stubborn dad I have close to 100 # of container wax from hell (or at least it looks like it's from there, hehee). I hate the way my candles have been looking after the first or second burn, and I REALLLY want to try something else to help me feel like not so much of a flub-up!

Now I can use some of that up, and have more time to get ready to do the raspberry tarts hubby wants! Hmmm, gotta get searching for a gel safe raspberry first...

Thanks so much for all the help! I wish I could send all yall something for it...


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