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J50 vs. J223

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I have been reading your comments on the J223 wax but no one has said anything about J50. I was under the impression that these waxes were so close that they were almost identical. I have been using J50 for the last 8 months and also have problems with wet spots. I get my wax from candles and supplies because I can pick it up. Saves a great deal of money in shipping. Has anyone any comments of the J50 vs. J223. Is one really better than the other? Appreciate any info. Thanks


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I've used both, and I prefer the J223. It can hold more scent, which is a plus for me. However, I found that J223 is picky over pour temps. I have to pour at 145-150, no hotter.

When I pour J50, the tops look odd and have to be heatgunned 9 out of 10 times. It looks kind of like ridges, and where the ridges are, the wax is faded. A heatgun will fix it, but I don't have those kind of problems with the J223.

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I've used both and I prefer J50. I tested J223 last year and feel that J50 has a better throw and I got fewer wetspots. It was also a little easier to wick for me. I get a brainy look on top of my candles if I cool too slowly, but I don't mind and no one else notices. I also get some wetspots with J50, but stopped worrying about those a while ago. Again, it's something no one notices and so I'm not going to waste time trying to get rid of them completely. J50 is a great wax and I like it much better than J223.

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