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Saving wax that is melted in what?

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Lets say I have melted a batch of wax and I don't use it all...

I would just let it harden and remelt it later...but lets say I want to pour it out and into block form so I can label it and store it like a slab of wax...

If this makes sense?

Does anyone else do this and what do you pour it into?

Glass baking dish? disposable tin baking pan from the grocery store, etc...

anyone got a good suggestion?

Thanks a lot!


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If the wax doesn't have any FO just about anything works. I pour mine into the Glad or Ziplock deep dish entrée containers, dump when wax is set up and put into labeled gal. Ziplock bags. If you've added FO the use container with the no 5 and freezer bags. Some folks here wrap their blocks of wax in foil. If plain wax you are just trying to protect it from dirt etc. Of course always label it. What do you have to store it in? That would determine what you pour the wax into.

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I usually put my large slabs of wax wrapped in plastic into a large plastic storage bin/container.

those are good suggestions. I will try them.

Let me get one thing straight though, I can pour my hot wax at a cool temperature directly into a heavy duty ziplock storage bag?

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I haven't tried that. I pour into the Glad or Ziplock plastic containers, let it cool then put in the bag. But if you think about it, I put hot soups and stews into the freezer bags. Never checked the temp 1st. That might save a step but if your talking 'cane wax that would still be pretty hot. Let us know if you try it.

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I use a muffin pan. Gives me little discs. I'll use some of those for chunks. You could use a cookie sheet which would give you a thin slab. Cake pans are pretty cheap. Don't get the teflon coated ones, though. A big, rectangular lasgna pan would give you almost the same size/shape as a normal slab.

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