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Medium to Dark complexion testers


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I am interested in being one of your testers. I have medium complexion. can you tell me what is in the mineral make up? Let me know what other information you need from me.


I am working on my Mineral make up line and need a few testers who have med. to dark complexions. I have plenty of fair testers already. If anyone is interested please let me know.


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Okay, not here to get a free sample by being a tester (I'm fair anyway). Just here to tell anyone who has never tried mineral make-up to give it a try. I started using it about a year ago, and I will never go back to liquid make-up again. My skin has never felt so good, pores aren't clogged with all that nasty liquid make-up that has so many chemicals in it I can't even count them all, even though I don't put make-up on every day.

It's not cheap, but neither is a department store top of the line make-up. You can get samples off ebay, to try before spending to much money. That's what I did, but I knew after a few days it would be what I would be buying from then on.

I use Bare Escentuals, but I am starting to try other brands. In fact, I just bought some eye shawdows from Simply Eyeshadows (Cynthia) over on The Dish, and they are wonderful.

Good luck Marj.....are you going to do a whole line, or just face powder? Will you be making the concealer also? I'll be watching for the results from your testers, hope you will keep us updated with your progress.

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