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What additives makes soy pillar wax different from container soy wax?

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What is chemically altered or added when making a "pure soy" pillar?  Can there even be a pure soy pillar or are all of these suppliers lying? For the longest time, I thought you couldn't make a pure soy pillar and that other waxes needed to be added to the mix, like palm or paraffin.  But even the big suppliers claim that they have "100% pure soy pillar waxes".  How can that be?  What else is typically added to harden? And what do they mean when they say something like "natural soy with vegetable waxes"?  Could that just be soy with stearin? 

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I've been under the impression that soy pillar is typically a parasoy and that 100% soy is a container wax.  And, how is anyone saying "natural" soy when (as far as I know) there is no organic soy?

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