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OK you up at 1 or 2 a.m.? What we gonna make!!

Do a little experiment for me though ... go look in the mirror and practice that blank WTF look ... because that's how I look when I see all those supplies LOL! You can scratch your head and you'll be immitating me perfectly!

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I'm STILL trying to get the courage up myself, so I know how ya feel Julie. ;)

I keep saying, "ok, today I'm gonna do it" and then I just sit here freaking myself out about it. LOL


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Well Michi I would tell you we can do it together on Thursday, but I have a feeling you'll get mad at me if I don't do it lol!

And Leslie, GF, that means I have more than a year left to get my courage up if it took you 1 1/2 years lol!

Kerry, oh being a fly on the wall here is no fun. The Boy King kills them ;)

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Ya'll just have to get over this thing, and just do it. Once you get that first one down, you will get more comfortable with it. It will help too, if you pick a FO that is a good non-seize FO. :)

Julie, I will just bring my Harry cat, and he and your Harry cat could visit. Sherie says that yours is chatty like mine. :)

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The Boy King is a freaking bird lately lol! He just chirps away, but we'd get nothing done, because he would ignore your boy and flirt with you! He's such the amorous boy lately lol!

OK you tell me what FO to use and we'll pray I have it LOL! But make it smell good k?

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The Boy King is a freaking bird lately lol! He just chirps away, but we'd get nothing done, because he would ignore your boy and flirt with you! He's such the amorous boy lately lol!

OK you tell me what FO to use and we'll pray I have it LOL! But make it smell good k?

LOL! I have only done 2 batches, so I don't really have a list of non-seize FO's yet. My Oatmeal Raisin Cookie did ok in my first batch. My second batch I mixed Ylang Ylang and Rose and one of them, not sure which, caused it to seize. I am making another attempt tomorrow after getting some additional supplies today from TC. I have my recipe figured out, just not sure what FO I am gonna put in it yet, guess it will be a surprise!

Well, my Harry is not a big flirt, but I have an orange cat (Rizzo) that is though. You should see him flirt with Sherie when she comes over, LOL! I think that he knows that she likes orange cats, LOL! Harry is a real talker though, super lovey, and a major lap cat, he is my favorite of the 3.

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Hon you won't get to try it out for a long time cuz it has to cure ... and we're gonna have to find a place for that to happen lol! Then again it has to get made first ;)

You know Julie, I had to put up a shelf system in my bedroom, to store soap supplies and made one shelf as a curing rack. Only place in my house I could do it. My kitchen is still full of candle stuff and there was no room for soap stuff too, LOL! I can't have any more hobbies now, I am out of space, LOL! :shocked2:

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LOL! I just keep running out of grocery space. But then who needs to eat if they are being led to embrace the light, right?

OK let's hope that Sweet Pea performs fine lol! I have Ylang Ylang, but dang out of 200+ FOs you'd think there would be something that just screams make me! So far nothing is talking (I think the FO is as scared as I am.) Maybe it can hear that hideous laugh coming from the lye under the sink.

But I got colors (not that I know how to use them, but I can't see making white soap lol) and I have lots of FOs that are BB safe and I have to make something that smells like something good or I just can't see me doing it either lol. See why Leslie is half bald or maybe bald by now lol ... I have driven her crazy ;) Sherie has stayed away because I'm nutty like that. All I have to say is that if this gets done on Thursday, take cover because I don't have a bomb shelter.

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LOL! Julie you will do fine, I just know it. I can understand about the color, I am all about color too, love color. I am gonna get brave and try swirling soon. I am also procrastinating on which FO to use tomorrow. I think it will be a last minute decision, so that should be interesting. You just be sure and take pictures, we want to see pictures! LOL!

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