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E vs. The Kelsei Mold


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Soaped the 18 bar last night, first time. Boring castille, no color, no scent, CP. Okie Dokie. I have wrestled the soap from the mold. For a bit, it appeared that the soap would win, but I preservered.

There has to be a better way! Luckily, the bars are way too thick at almost 2" so I have plenty of room to trim off all the dents I made releasing them from captivity. Next time I think I will spray the dividers with Pam first. happy.gif Any advice from Kelsei peeps?


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LOL Eugenia, I have a love/hate relationship with my Kelsie. I love the fact that I don't have to cut the bars and need minimal cleaning. I hate the fact that you have to hog wrestle the dividers to get them out. I ended up with a bruise on my face after one batch. I pulled and pulled with the pliers and it just wasn't going to come out. I went out side and got the "channel locks". I was hell bent on winning this war. I pulled and pulled with the channel locks and when it FINALLY gave way, the channel locks hit me in the face.

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At least you won E.:yay: I recently bought a wood mold online with the cutting slots on it, it is a 32 bar mold, but I have slats for it that can make as little as 4 or 8 bars. It has a very long cutting blade that goes all the way across the mold both ways, for even bars. I will be pouring in it in the next few days and will let everyone know how it does. It seems very well crafted and sturdy.

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At least you won E.:yay: I recently bought a wood mold online with the cutting slots on it, it is a 32 bar mold, but I have slats for it that can make as little as 4 or 8 bars. It has a very long cutting blade that goes all the way across the mold both ways, for even bars. I will be pouring in it in the next few days and will let everyone know how it does. It seems very well crafted and sturdy.

I have a mold like that - I got it off E-bay. The very first time I did CP soap, it cracked on every side of it. Each side has at least one crack where the slits were cut. They are cracked clean thru all the way down. Since I had only made that one batch of CP soap in it when this happened, I was so hacked off. I recieved no invoice with the mold and didn't have a return addy since I got rid of the box. I contacted the seller and got no response. I do however love that long cutting blade. I don't use that mold but I do use that blade.

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I have a mold like that - I got it off E-bay. The very first time I did CP soap, it cracked on every side of it. Each side has at least one crack where the slits were cut. They are cracked clean thru all the way down. Since I had only made that one batch of CP soap in it when this happened, I was so hacked off. I recieved no invoice with the mold and didn't have a return addy since I got rid of the box. I contacted the seller and got no response. I do however love that long cutting blade. I don't use that mold but I do use that blade.

This may not be the same one Meridith. I did a lot of research and asked a lot of questions before I bought this. These things are way to expensive for me to not check them all out first. The seller has 100% positive feedback and was very helpful with all of my annoying questions. I just got the mold, and I can say it is a very solid mold made out of solid birch. It is a 100% money back guarantee if it proves to be defective. The lady that owns the business uses them to soap in all the time. Mnhorsemom on this board also has one of these molds and likes it. She is the one that made up my mind to buy it. It came with several dividers, even a template to make up the liner to go inside of it, a soap recipe for it, a pamphlet about the company and all of the products they make, and my invoice. I am going to make a batch in it very soon and test it out. That is too bad you had such a bad experience. There are too many people out there trying to make a fast buck by making and selling a product they know nothing or know very little about how it is supposed to function. :sad2:

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Yours does sound like it is a different one than mine. I bought the one that Mystical posted a link to a few months back and that Kimberly has. I was so excited to get it so that I would finally have uniform size bars. I was so dissappointed that it turned out to be a piece of crap. My computer crashed so I lost the sellers e-mail addy to be able to continue to contact them. I did attempt SEVERAL times before the computer crashed and I had to buy a new one. I am glad yours is different and bet you will like it. Let us know how your first batch turns out. :)

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I love, love, love my 9 bar Kelsei. I imagine that it would be a real bear to get all the dividers out of a larger sized mold. I don't really have an issue getting the 9 bar apart with a pair of pliers. I line the bottom with a walmart bag, and rock the dividers out, side by side. Seems to work okay.

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