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Question about surf 'n turf wax melter smell?

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I have 2 big melters and I love them, but I am getting an oil smell when I melt wax - almost smells like cooking oil. It doesn't seem to be passing on to my candles, but smells like french fries when I am warming wax. I do use soy with 223 and 6006 in the other. Anybody notice this???

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Your wax is made of hydrogenated vegetable oil. The heating elements at the bottom of the fryer presumably get very hot. So I guess the smell makes sense.

I kinda distrust this contraption for melting veggie waxes. I don't even trust it that much for paraffin because of the concentrated heat with nothing to spread it out except the wax itself.

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I have a Surf and Turk- and it still sitting in the box. :shocked2:

If you are a production candlemaker- this is the ticket for a small price.

My three friends that already have been using them say its very important to cover the heating element with melted wax and fill it at least half full so you don't get that strange smell coming from it. Before you actually turn it on. What temp do you have it set on? I think if u have the heating element submerged and don't put the temp over 200 you shouldn't have any problems.

I don't know from experience, but every single person I know that purchased one and pours in larger quantities swears its the next best thing to a melter.

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