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Craters beside wick?????

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Can anybody tell me why I am getting craters beside my wick. I am using 6006, 8 oz jj. I am heating my wax between 185-190, pouring fo, mixing, and letting it cool to about 170 and pouring. I have also tried pouring a little hotter and a tad cooler but still getting craters beside the wick. I always do a repour anyway but was just wondering why it does it. Kind of like a big air bubble that has burst and opened up at the top. I also tap my containers to get the air bubbles out after I pour.

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try poking relief holes (about 4 of them ) around the wick, say 3/4 of an inch out.I do this as soon as the wax starts to harden and then 3 or 4 times while it's setting up. No more cave in (at least not so much) you still have to repour.

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For some reason, I only have this problem when I use square mason jars. I never seem to have it when I use the 1/2 pint wide mouths. I love this wax but I'm thinking about sticking with the 1/2 pints just to avoid this. Repours aren't usually necessary either. I suck at doing those ~ it always looks like a separate blob of wax on top when it cools!

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