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how to engrave custom poems into a pillar candle?

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I might be able to help a little. What I do is decide how big I want the carving and than take some paper and draw or print on the paper what I want. This takes me several tries because I'm looking for a certain look. Take the paper and hold it on the candle and copy over the letters/pic with a pen or pencil. I found a tool that has two different ball ends on each side and wood in the center. Look at your local craft stores. They should have them in various departments. I take this tool and go over what was indented in the wax. Sometimes it takes going over it several times to get the depth that I want. I rub the candle with pantyhose to get the ridges off the candles. You are going to have ridges on both sides of the carved part and because I make molds with these they have to be as perfect as I can make them. It's easy until I make a mistake and have to start over.

BTW I fill in the lettering/pic with cake shoe polish. Takes a little practice to get this right too.lol However the shoe polish doesn't work very well on white or very light candles.




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Stylist....A little thingy with a little ball on each end, one being smaller than the other. It is made for artists (in my case would be artist) to dab little dots on folk art projects, such as in the case of in the middle of little flowers and stuff.

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