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Ballon Candles

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Here is the link for about.com ...I use the best balloons, hold the filled balloon in the 150 to 160 degree water until I see a shell forming. Then pop if you wish or dip into cool/warm water, wipe off and dip again making each dip another layer. Stop when it is thick enough for you. It depends on how you plan to use it. Are you going to fill it with wax and wick or decorate it for a luminary? I use hurricane wax or 4045EP and a little micro 180 too. Just try with what you have and go with that. Remember, practice makes perfect......I'm not perfect yet so I guess I still need more practice too. LOL, Donita.....here is the link to my website also. I have some luminaries posted there for your observation. Donita



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Yeah, I'm impressed! I've always liked the pics you post, but I had no idea you made that many awesome candles. I'm inspired now. thank you, seeing your site what I needed to get me out of procrastination mode. Thank you...can't wait to see more new creations from you Donita!

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They truly are beautiful!

Donita, I couldn't help but notice that you are a natural "teacher". (not everyone is!)

If you ever decide to teach hands on classes, I would be interested.(I have won several awards for my work within the beauty industry...have scissors/color will travel!....just trying a little bribery:rolleyes2 )


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They truly are beautiful!

Donita, I couldn't help but notice that you are a natural "teacher". (not everyone is!)

If you ever decide to teach hands on classes, I would be interested.


I agree with ya on that one, and being ont he east coast, I would be more than willin to travel for something like that.... and you have an awsome site and candles... :yay:

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Well....thanks for all of the wonderful words people. I do love to teach most of the things I have learned....not all.....he he he......Michael....I have been around or in the Beauty business most of my life. Started off as a hair model at a show when I was 16. I ended up being a skin care therapist and got excellent tips for my massage techniques too. One woman said it was like having avocado for the first time. I thought that was sooooooo precious. She was my mom's age. I appreciate people who can really cut hair and know about color. I worked in two salons. That was several years ago. Went to some fun shows. I still run into my friends in town who all own their own businesses now. They are a bunch of very cool guys. My daughter likes all of them too. They all are members of the same "after hours' club". That's too late for me these days. I like my wine and The Tonight Show. My hair needs to meet your scissors and color.......Donita

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