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Translucent Wax for Hurricane Shell

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Hi all. I am new to the candle making and I am trying to make hurricane shells with flowers in them. I have made a couple with the 1260 wax and added the vybar for it to be a little more opaque but its still not opaque enough for the flowers to show through. I use the metal molds with the inserts to hold the flowers in place while pouring the wax. But the flowers just dont show every well. I have read and read and I dont find that I am missing any steps. 

Is there anything I can do to make my flowers show through better?


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I'm a little confused. If you want your embeds to show through the wax, why are you trying to make it more opaque by adding vybar? 
What does it look like with just 1260 and no vybar? 


Edited by pughaus
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Cause I’m confusing myself with all my reading. Dont I need the vybar to make it harder so it wont melt easily? But then its making it opaque and I dont need that to happen. I havent tried it without the vybar cause I read that I need it to make the wax harder. Is that not correct?

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Hi @Audra and welcome to Craft Server. I've never made hurricane candles but I found these links. They may be helpful to you. Have fun!







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