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Do you pour ahead or....


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...pour to order? i realize cure time is important, but i often pour to order and have no complaints with scent throw. Over the holidays I always pour ahead, and what ever I'm left with as far as the hard core winter scents, i have an outlet for, but in an attempt to get better organized, and geared more towards better business stratagies, I'm thinking to pour ahead. Just wondering what some of you do that are selling. The thought of filling an order by just pulling it off the shelves sounds great to me.


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When I have my shelves full, they hold about 10 thousand dollars worth of half pint jars. Thats the only way to go if you have good sale and a few wholesale accounts. When I get everything moved around and I reset my shelves I will post a picture... could be a month or more. ;) Bruce

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Guest EMercier

I pour to order. I used to make candles of different scents when I first started out and then circulate a list of stuff I had and people would buy from that. Then people started wanting other sutff. I had a list of all that I made, but didn't do that. I started to take orders and then deliever. I got more sales that way. Now, when I do shows and have stuff left over, that's stock and I pull from that. I want to start to do stock because stuff is hectic now with trying to finish school (FT) and working (FT).

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I've been pouring ahead. Because if someone wanted several candles, each in a different scent, it would be a hassle to get it all done in a short turnaround time. My policy is to get the order out within the next working day, so pouring ahead has worked well for me.

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I did both. I always had my 5 more popular votives in stock, a couple dozen. My 3 main jars I kept a few in stock as well. And 1 of my 2" pillars I always kept around. Then I poured to order - and hated it. I always felt rushed, cuz I could only do pillars on the weekend. So if an order came in Monday, I couldn't ship it til the next Monday, and that drove me nuts. I too like to ship next day if I can.

I always poured full batches, though. If it was an order for votives but only a couple per scent, I poured a 3# batch anyway. That usually gave me a bit of extra stock on hand.

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I mostly pour to order, especially container candles. I am not a big business and don't sell a ton of candles. So keeping stock would be a waste of money for me. I do keep votives poured and ready to go though. They are easy to do, easy to store and so it's much easier to keep them in stock. I generally keep my most popular scents in stock for votives. Everything else is made to order.

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Is there a "shelf life" for candles.

I want to pour the votives and tarts ahead and keep them in stock. I have purchased small (hold 18 votives) display boxes to store them in, but I am not sure if I should then put the box in a separate plastic bag to keep the scent or find some of the "shoe box" size plastic (with the 5 on bottom...learned that here! :) ) to store them in then transfer to the votive boxes for shows. How long will the scent stay nice and strong? If I have a show coming up in June, can jars and votives that I make be started in February?

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I used to pour to order and was way to stressed to keep doing that. So, now I pour a little each day and if I am pouring something to order, I just make extra and just package it up and plop it on the shelf. Especially since I have a few family members that will call at the drop of a hat to say, "I need a basket" and want to get it that day. Since I have some stuff made I can throw a basket together in a few minutes.

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